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the duty to fit them by education for citizenship is devolved upon the whole people."

The sentiment of Bishop Fowler of the M. E. church is one ringing with truth and encouragement. Says he: "One hundred and thirty years hence, and the Stars and Stripes will float over a thousand million citizens,—almost as many as the entire population of the earth to-day. What a privilege to have a hand in forming and developing the institutions of to-day! The six million colored people will be grown to one hundred and fifty million, with great universities and renowned scholars, with statesmen and rulers, with honors second to none known to the race. It can not be a vain thing to purify the fountain, out of which such a vast stream shall flow, Brothers, be patient. With one hundred and fifty millions back of you, nothing shall be impossible to you."

Bishop Whipple, in delivering the opening address at the Episcopal convention in New York City, October, 1889, said: "We have some problems peculiar to ourselves. Twenty-five years ago, four million slaves received American citizenship. The nation owes them a debt of gratitude. During all the horrors of our civil war, they were protectors of Southern women and children. Knowing the failure of their masters would be the guarantee of their freedom, there was not one act that master or slave might wish to blot out. We ought not, and God will not forget it. To-day there are eight millions of negroes. They are here to stay. They will not be disfranchised. Through them Africa can be redeemed. They ought to be our fellow citizens in the kingdom of God."

The Rev. Michael Burnham, D. D., of Springfield, Mass., is quoted as having said to the students of Livingstone College, in an address, May 22, 1889, the following cheerful words: "As a people, you have had on you the eyes of the world,—all this nation. As a people, you have manifested