Page:The Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa (1831).djvu/154

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into two moieties between them, since the wife cannot take any thing, unless the husband takes the same. Therefore give, likewise, to the legatee who is to have one-third, thing. Then return to the heirs of the husband. His inheritance from the woman is five dirhems and half a thing. There remains for the heirs of the husband ninety-five less one thing and a half, which is equal to four things. Reduce this, by removing one thing and a half, and adding it to the four things. There remain ninety-five, equal to five things and a half. Make them all moieties; there will be eleven moieties; and one thing will be equal to seventeen dirhems and three-elevenths, and this will be the legacy.

“A man has married a wife paying (a marriage settlement of) one hundred dirhems, her dowry being ten dirhems; and she dies before him, leaving ten dirhems, and bequeathing one-third of her capital; afterwards the husband dies, leaving one hundred and twenty dirhems, and bequeathing to some person one-third of his capital.” Computation:[1] Give to the wife her dowry,

  1. Let be the property which the wife leaves, besides the dowry, and the gift from the husband. She bequeaths goes to her husband; and to her other heirs. The husband leaves property , out of which must be paid the dowry, ; the gift to the wife, ; and the bequest he makes to the stranger, ; and his heirs receive from the wife’s heirs