Page:The Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa (1831).djvu/177

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dred the one hundred, on account of the other one hundred. There remain two hundred dirhems, equal to one thing and three-fifths. Make the equation with this. One thing will be five-eighths of what you have; (114) take therefore five-eighths of two hundred. It is one hundred and twenty-five. This is thing; it is the legacy to the person to whom he had presented the girl.

“Suppose that a man emancipates a slave of a price of one hundred dirhems, and makes to some person a present of a slave girl of the price of five hundred dirhems, her dowry being one hundred dirhems; the donee cohabits with her, and the donor bequeaths to some other person one-third of his property.” According to the decision of Abu Hanifah, no more than one-third can be taken from the first owner of the slave-girl; and this one-third is to be divided into two equal parts between the legatee and the donee. Computation:[1] Take the price of the girl, which is five hundred dirhems. The legacy out of this is thing; so that the heirs obtain five hundred dirhems less thing; and the dowry is one hundred less one-fifth of thing; consequently they

  1. The same notation being used as in the last example, the equation for determining , according to the author, is to be
