Page:The Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa (1831).djvu/209

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i.e. the quotient. This expression will be explained by Baha-Eddin’s definition of division (Kholāset al Hisāb, P. 105).

القسمة طلب عدد نسبته الي الواحد كنسبة المقسوم الي المقسوم عليه

“Division is the finding a number which bears the same proportion to the unit, as the dividend bears to the divisor.”

Page 21, line 17.

جذري] The MS. has جذر.

Page 24, line 6.

تمكننا لها صورة لا تحسن] An attempt at constructing a figure to illustrate the case of has been made on the margin of the manuscript.

Page 30, line 10.

فخذ ما شئت] A marginal note in the manuscript defines this in the following manner.

يعني اقسم العشرة كيف شئت اربعة حنطة وستة شعيرا او ستة حنطة واربعة شعيرا او ثلثة حنطة وسبعة شعيرا او عكس ذلك او كيف ما شئت فانه يصح العمل فيه حاشية من شرح المزيحفي

“He means to say: divide the ten in any manner you like, taking four of wheat and six of barley, or four of barley and six of wheat, or three of wheat and seven of barley, or vice versa, or in any other way: for the solution will hold good in all these cases. (Note from Al Mozaihafi’s Commentary).”

Page 42, line 8.

The manuscript has a marginal note to this passage,
