Page:The Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa (1831).djvu/216

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Page 57, line 5-8.

The words between brackets are not in the manuscript: I have supplied the apparent hiatus from conjecture.

Page 61, line 4.

A triangle of the same proportion is used to illustrate this case in the Lilavati (Feizi’s Persian transl. p. 121. Colebrooke’s transl. of the Lilavati, p. 71. and of the Vijagenita, p. 203.)

Page 65, line 12-14.

The words between brackets are in the manuscript written on the margin. I think that the context warrants me sufficiently for haying received them into the text.

Page 86, line 5.

The words between brackets are not in the text, I give them merely from my own conjecture.

    لا تحقيق ولا يقف احد علي حقيقة ذلك ولا يعلم دورها الا الله لان الخط ليس بمستقيم فيوقف علي حقيقته وانما قيل ذلك تقريب كما قيل في جذر الاصم انه تقريب لا تحقيق لان جذره لا يعلمه الا الله واحسن ما في هذه الاقوال ان تضرب القطر في ثلثة وسبع لانه اخف وأسرع والله اعلم

    “This is an approximation, not the exact truth itself: nobody can ascertain the exact truth of this, and find the real circumference, except the Omniscient: for the line is not straight so that its exact length might be found, This is called an approximation, in the same manner as it is said of the square-roots of irrational numbers that they are an approximation, and not the exact truth: for God alone knows whet the exact root is. The best method here given is, that you multiply the diameter by three and one-seventh; for it is the easiest and quickest. God knows best!”