Page:The Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa (1831).djvu/219

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ذلك ١٣ يكون ۹۳٦۰ [۹۰٦۳ .MS] لما ذكرنا للام من ذلك ثماني ماية وخمسون وللابن الفان وخمسماية وستة وسبعون وللزوج الف خمسماية وستون ولصاحب الخمسين الفان وتسعماية واربعة وثمانون ولصاحب الربع الف وثلثماية وتسعون والله اعلم

“According to another method, the number of parts is nine thousand three hundred and sixty. The computation then is, that you divide the property left into twelve shares; of these the mother receives two, the husband three, and the son seven. This (number of parts) you multiply by twenty, since two-fifths and one-fourth are required by the statement. Thus you find two hundred and forty. Take the sixth of this, namely forty, for the mother. One-third out of this she must give up. Now, forty is not divisible by three. You accordingly multiply the whole number of parts by three, which makes them seven hundred and twenty. The one-sixth of this for the mother is one hundred and twenty. One-third of this, namely forty, goes to the legatees, and should be divided by thirteen; but as this is impossible, you multiply the whole number of parts by thirteen, which makes them nine thousand three hundred and sixty, as we said above. Of this the mother receives eight hundred and fifty, the son two thousand five hundred and seventy-six, the husband one thousand five hundred and sixty, the legatee to whom the two-fifths are bequeathed, two thousand nine hundred and eighty-four, and the legatee who is to receive one-fourth, one thousand three hundred and ninety.”