Page:The Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa (1831).djvu/222

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there remains nine of it, and this is the deduction from the completement. Subtracting it from the completement, which is thirteen, there remains four, and this is the legacy, as the author has said,”

Page 98, line 8.

The word مثلها which I have omitted in my translation of this and of two following passages, is in the manuscript explained by the following scholium:

مثلها متساوية لها في الحسن والسن والنسب والمال والبلد والعصر . . . . . والبكارة

“Adequate, i. e. corresponding to her beauty, her age, her family, her fortune, her country, the state of the times, . . . . and her virginity,” (Part of the gloss is to me illegible.) The dowry varies according to any difference in all the circumstances referred to by the scholium. See Hamilton’s Hedaya, vol. 1. page 148.

Page 113, line 7.

The manuscript has the following marginal note

العقر في الامة بمنزلة مهر المثل في الحرة وهو ما تتزوج عليه مثلها في الاوصاف المعتبرة في المماثلة

“The Okr of a slave girl corresponds to the adequate dowry of a free-born woman; it is a sum of money on payment of which one of distinguished qualities corresponding to her would be married.” See Hamilton’s Hedaya, vol. 11. page 71.

I am very doubtful whether I have well understood the words in which our author quotes Abu Hanifah’s opinion.

Abu Hanifah al No’man ben Thabet is well known