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me, rub it gently.” Then the king’s son lifted the little fish from the hole and threw her into the water, after he had taken one small scale, which he wrapped up carefully in a handkerchief. Some time afterwards, as he travelled about the world, he came upon a fox, caught in an iron trap. When the fox saw the prince, he spoke: “In God’s name, be a brother to me, and help me to get out of this trap. One day you will need me, so take just one hair from my tail, and when you want me, rub it gently.” Then the king’s son took a hair from the tail of the fox, and let him free.

Again, as he crossed a mountain, he found a wolf fast in a trap; and when the wolf saw him, it spoke: “Be a brother to me; in God’s name, set me free, and one day I will help you. Only take a hair from me, and when you need me, rub it gently.” So he took a hair, and let the wolf free. After that, the king’s son travelled about a very long time, till one day he met a man to whom he said: “For God’s sake, brother, have you ever heard any one say where is the palace of the dragon-king?” The man gave him very particular directions which way to take, and in what length of time he could get there. Then the king’s son thanked him, and continued his journey until he came to the city where the dragon lived. When there, he went into the palace, and found therein his wife, and both of them were exceedingly pleased to meet each other, and began to take counsel how they could escape. They resolved to run away, and prepared hastily for the journey. When all was ready they mounted on horseback and galloped away. As soon as they were gone the dragon came home, also on horseback, and, entering his palace, found that the queen had gone away. Then he said to his horse: “What shall we do now? Shall we eat and drink, or go at once after them?” The horse answered: “Let us eat and drink first, we shall any¬ way catch them; do not be anxious.”