Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume III.djvu/751

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CAPE BOJADOR CAPECE-LATRO 741 Marsala. Being the point of the island nearest to Carthage, it became at an early period an important naval station. The naval victory of the Romans over the Carthaginians, 241 B. C., which put an end to the first Punic war, was gained near this cape. CAPE BOJADOR. See BOJADOE. CAPE BON, or Ras Adder (anc. Hermaum Pro- montorium), a headland on the N. coast of Af- rica, at the N. E. extremity of Tunis, project- ing into the Mediterranean in lat. 37 4' N., Ion. 10 53' E., E. of the gulf of Tunis and at the N. end of the peninsula of Dakhal. CAPE BRETON, an island lying between lat. 45 27' and 47 5' N., and Ion. 59 40' and 61 40' W., belonging to the province of Nova Sco- tia, from which it is separated on the S. W. by the gut of Canso, 1 m. to 1 m. wide. The N. E. extremity of the island, Cape North, is 73 m. from Cape Anguille, the 8. W. point of Newfoundland ; its greatest length from N. to S. is 100 m., greatest breadth from E. to W. 85 m. ; area, 3,120 sq. m. ; pop. in 1871, 75,483. The island is very irregular in shape, and is near- ly divided into two parts by the Bras d'Or, an in- land sea with a narrow outlet. At the entrance lies Boulardrie island, between which and the main island on the S. W. is Little Bras d'Or. The Bras d'Or is 55 m. long and 20 m. wide, and varies in depth from 70 to 300 ft. The coast is for the most part rocky and elevated, and indented by numerous bays and inlets, particularly on the E. and S. The chief harbor is that of Sydney, at the head of an inlet 7 m. from the sea, on the E. coast. There are seve- ral other harbors on the E. and S. coasts. The principal harbor on the W. coast is that of Port Hood. Madame island, on the south, is reck- oned a part of Cape Breton, from which it is separated by a narrow inlet called St. Peter's bay. Cape Breton is divided into the counties of Cape Breton, Inverness, Richmond, and Vic- toria. The chief town is Sydney, with 2,900 inhabitants. The inhabitants of the island are mainly French Acadians, Scotch and Irish im- migrants, and their descendants. The Scotch are mostly from the Highlands and the western islands. There are also 200 or 300 Indians. The island contains several fresh-water lakes, the principal of which are Lake Margarie, in the N. W. division, 40 m. in circumference, the outlet of which is by a river of the same name 15 m. long, and Grand lake and Mir6 river or lake, in the S. division. Mir6 lake re- ceives the waters of Salmon river, which flows from the west. Several rivers fall into the Bras d'Or, the most important of which are the Bedeque and Wagamatcook on the north, and the St. Denis on the west. Cape Breton terminates a low mountain range, traversing Nova Scotia from S. W. to N. E., and contains much high land. The climate is subject to considerable extremes ; the mean summer heat is 80, while in winter the mercury often falls to 20 below zero. On the E. coast the sum- mers are usually dry; on the W. coast they are generally more moist. Mica slate, clay slate, syenite, and primitive trap are found in all parts of the island. Gypsum is abundant, particularly along the shores of the Bras d'Or; iron ore is also found, and there are several salt springs. The most important mineral is bituminous coal, which is found in the W. part of the island, but is most abundant in the S. E. division. In 1865 there were 18 coal mines in operation, and 429,175 tons were obtained. The forests consist of hemlock, black and white spruce, white and red pine, oak, beech, birch, and maple; but the timber trade has been gradually diminishing. The chief agricultural products are wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, turnips, hay, butter, and cheese. The inhabi- tants also carry on domestic manufactures of cloth and flannel. Fishing is one of the chief industries, the coasts and harbors abounding with fish of various kinds. Large quantities of cod, mackerel, and herring are taken. The chief exports are timber, fish, and coal ; the chief imports are British manufactured goods, corn and meal, and colonial products. A ma- jority of the inhabitants are Roman Catholics ; Scotch Presbyterians are also numerous, and there are some Episcopalians. Cape Breton sends five members to the Canadian house of commons. The first settlement in the island was made in 1712, by the French, who called it Isle Royale, and who eight years afterward constructed the fortress of Louisbnrg, on the S. E. coast. It was taken from them by the colonists of New England in 1745, and was finally ceded to Great Britain in 1763. In 1784 Cape Breton was separated from Nova Scotia, to which it had previously been politi- cally united, but in 1819 it was reannexed. In 1856 a telegraphic cable was laid across the gut of Canso, connecting the island through Nova Scotia with the telegraphic system of the United States. A land line, connecting with the cable on the Cape Breton side, was con- structed through Port Hood to Aspy bay, on the N. E. coast of the island ; and in the same year a cable was laid across the entrance to the gulf of St. Lawrence from Aspy bay to Port au Basque on the W. coast of Newfoundland, while a land line connected this point again with Heart's Content. Since the landing of the first Atlantic cable in 1866, the line across Cape Breton has formed part of the inter- continental system. CAPECE-LATRO, Olnsepp*, an Italian prelate and statesman, born in Naples, Sept. 23, 1744, died Nov. 2, 1836. "When very young he was appointed to the archbishopric of Tarento, which gave him the rank of primate of the kingdom of Naples. He opposed many claims of the papal see, and wrote against the enforced I celibacy of the clergy. When the revolution 1 of 1799 broke out, he accepted a public office ; and upon the restoration of the Bourbons he was thrown into prison, from which he was soon liberated. During the government of Joseph Bonaparte in Naples he was minister