Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume III.djvu/781

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CARBONARI 771 high to the Delaware river at Easton. The Lehigh river traverses the county across the line of its ridges ; but the mines are only on its W. side, and from 6 to 10 m. or more distant. The yield of the mines in this county is about one sixth of the whole production of anthra- cite. The Lehigh Valley road, and branches to Mahanoy, Mount Carmel, Hazleton, and Audenried, traverse the county. The chief productions in 1870 were 18,646 bushels of wheat, 18,286 of rye, 55,037 of Indian corn, 02,493 of oats, 12,301 of buckwheat, 47,496 of potatoes, and 6,909 tons of hay; there were 885 horses, 1,316 milch cows, 1,121 other cattle, 515 sheep, and 1,943 swine. Capital, Mauch Chunk. II. A central county of Wyoming ter- ritory, extending from Montana on the N. to Colorado on the S., intersected by the N. fork of the Platte river, and watered by the 8. fork and by Powder and Tongue rivers ; area, over 15,000 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 1,368. The 8. part is occupied by Medicine Bow mountains, and the central portion contains Black and Wind River mountains. Copper and paint ore are found, and coal and iron in the S. part, which is crossed by the Union Pacific railroad. Capital, Rawling's Springs. CARBONARI (Ital. carbonajo, a charcoal burn- er), a secret political society, which became notorious in Italy and France about 1818, though it had existed for a number of years before. About 1810, when the Neapolitan republicans, alike opposed to the usurpation of Murat and the rule of Ferdinand, took refuge in the Abruzzi mountains, they organ- ized, under the leadership of Capobianco, a carbonari society, adopting charcoal as a sym- bol of purification, with the motto " Revenge upon the wolves who devour the lambs." Queen Caroline of Naples and the Sardinian minister Maghella are mentioned, in addition to Capobianco, as the prune movers of the Abruzzi league of carbonari. In 1814 the little Nea- politan town of Lanciano, in the province of Abruzzo Citeriore, numbered as many as 2, 000 carbonari, and all over the Abruzzi now socie- ties were formed, whose political influence be- came so marked that Prince Moliterni was de- spatched to them by Ferdinand with a view of securing their cooperation against the French. But the carbonari, although their unwillingness to bear any foreign yoke had originally given rise to their association, leaned more and more toward republicanism; and, especially when the expelled dynasty was reinstated upon the throne of Naples, they assumed an attitude of uncompromising hostility against monarchy. From 30,000 members, the number of carbo- nari all over Italy had been swelled in one month (March, 1820) to the enormous figure of nearly 700,000, including many persons of edu- cation and good family. The place where the carbonari assembled was called the baracca, or collier's hut ; the surrounding country was designated a forest; the interior of the baracca was called the vendita, from the sale of coals which the colliers are supposed to carry on in their huts. Each province contained a large number of such baracche or huts, and the union of the different provincial huts constituted "a republic." The leading huts were called alte vendite, and had their headquarters at Naples and Salerno. The growing influence of the order alarmed the conservative governments of Europe, especially the Bourbons, as, since 1819, the carbonari had allied themselves with French republicans. The trial of the Corsican Guerini, who, in accordance with the decree of the alta vendita, had stabbed a fellow member for having betrayed the secrets of the society, added to the excitement. Previous to 1819, the carbonari societies in France took their rise principally from the charbonneries, which flour- ished especially in Franche-Comte. But the movements of the Italian carbonari, especially the insurrections of 1820 and 1821 in Naples and Sardinia, gave a fresh impulse to the French fraternity, and under the auspices of Buchez and Flottard a new movement was set on foot in Paris. Men like Voyer d'Argenson, Lafayette, Laffitte, Dupont de 1'Eure, Buonarotti, Barthe, Teste, Boinvilliers, and other republicans of mark, joined the movement, which adopted the ritual of the Abruzzi carbonari, with the sole modification, that while the Neapolitans had only the one superior division of alta vendita, the French carbonari classed themselves in four ventes, viz. : rentes particuliires, ventes cen- trales, hautes ventes, and ventes supreme*. The admission to the ventes was also surrounded with greater formalities in France, although after admission the principle of equality pre- vailed, and, like the Italians, the French car- bonari greeted each other as bans cousins. The statutes of the French carbonari were most stringent. The faintest whisper of the secrets of the society to outsiders constituted treason, and was punishable with death. No written communications were permitted. In 1 81 9 there were about 20,000 carbonari in Paris. From September, 1820, to March 16, 1821, a separate committee sat in Paris on military affairs, as the army contained a large number of carbo- nari. In 1821 the government was officially informed that the society existed in 25 out of the 86 departments of France. The congrfa national of the carbonari, which had its head- quarters at Paris, seemed for a time omnipo- tent. All the insurrectionary movements from 1819 to 1822 were attributed to them. One of the cardinal points in the creed of the French carbonari was to make Paris the political focus of the world. After the July revolution of 1830, many carbonari gave in their allegiance to Louis Philippe; but at that time a new charbonnerie democratique was founded by Buonarotti upon the theories of Babeuf, which Teste, who was a prominent member, ex- pounded in his Projet d'une constitution ri- publieaine. The carbonari are not known to exist in France at present, at least not under that name.