Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume IX.djvu/820

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800 KENTUCKY average size of farms was 158 acres. The total amount of land in farms was 18,660, 106 acres, of which 8,103,850 were improved and 10,556,256 unimproved, 9,134,658 acres of the latter being woodland; the percentage of unimproved to total land in farms was 56'6. The cash value of farms was $311,238,916; farming imple- ments and machinery, $8,572,896; total amount of wages paid during the year, including value of hoard, $10,709,382 ; total (estimated) value of all farm productions, including betterments and additions to stock, $87,477,374; of or- chard products, $1,231,385; of produce of market gardens, $527,329 ; of forest products, $574,994; of home manufactures, $1,683,972; of all animals slaughtered or sold for slaughter, $24,121,861; of all live stock, $66,287,343. The chief agricultural productions were 38,532 bushels of spring and 5, 690, 1 72 of winter wheat, 1,108,933 of rye, 50,091,006 of Indian corn, 6,620,103 of oats, 238,486 of barley, 3,443 of buckwheat, 119,926 of peas and beans, 2,391,- 062 of Irish and 802,114 of sweet potatoes, 2,551 of clover and 35,896 of grass seed, 14,- 657 of flaxseed, 204,399 tons of hay, and 7,777 of hemp, 1,080 bales of cotton, 105,305,869 Ibs. of tobacco, 2,234,450 of wool, 237,268 of flax, 11,874,978 of butter, 115,219 of cheese, 1,345,779 gallons of milk sold, 49,073 of ma- ple and 1,740,453 of sorghum molasses, 62,360 of wine, 269,416 Ibs. of maple sugar, 1,171,500 of honey, and 32,557 of wax. There were on farms 317,034 horses, 99,230 mules and ass- es, 247,615 milch cows, 69,719 working oxen, 382,993 other cattle, 936,765 sheep, and 1,838,- 227. swine. In 1870 16 states ranked higher than Kentucky in the total value of manufac- tured products. In distilled liquors, the state ranked first in the number of establishments, second in the amount of capital invested, and fourth in the value of products, as appears from the following statement : STATES. No. of establishment*. Capital. Product*. 141 $2,r>7<>,70 $4,682,730 Illinois 45 2 618 000 7 "S-i 751 Ohio 63 2,829,700 7,022,666 Pennsylvania 108 2,604,857 4,618,228 The manufacture of distilled liquors is almost wholly confined to whiskey, the amount of highwines made being very small. The total number of manufacturing establishments re- ported by the census was 5,390, using 1,147 steam engines of 31,928 horse power, and 459 water wheels of 7,640 horse power, and em- ploying 30,636 hands, mostly male adults. The total amount of capital employed was $29,- 277,809 ; wages paid during the year, $9,444,- 524 ; materials consumed, $29,497,535 ; pro- ducts, $54,625,809. The chief industries are shown by the following table : INDUSTRIES. Number of . tiiMiil.- meuts. Steam engioea, horse power. Himda employed. Capital. Wafjel paid. Valu. of material!. Value of products. 44 270 624 $638,025 $287,590 $678,176 $1.384,917 11 180 1,228 756,000 801.240 1,077,800 1,752.120 1,002 28 1,970 465,735 248,821 443,200 1,364,070 420 1,150 450,271 810,253 480,944 1,144,684 848 86 1,086 209,690 819,113 841,760 1,602,756 825 22 1,250 577,405 439,076 440,170 l.:9.9n 138 801 462,132 227,998 568,758 1,063,258 696 9,019 1,6S6 2,660,968 325.247 6.429,284 7,886,734 90 846 967 750,855 412,872 545,472 1,463,977 8 19 436 870,000 233.681 150,860 447,000 1 80 60 100,000 87,500 63,700 94,860 6 1,450 876 1,125.000 5S2.263 1,367,064 2,464,928 2 14 27 24,000 10,750 8.888 25,560 19 2,870 1,565 2,979,01)0 417,948 1.223,034 2,182,482 25 572 895 1,457,481 494,985 1,350,249 2,363,478 " stoves, heaters, and hollow ware T 100 106 287 493 293 595,000 566,424 288,000 76,968 870,500 741,192 858,770 1,009.906 82 40 155 157,916 41,848 656,805 683,663 141 2,686 1,088 2,670,700 257.732 1,852,096 4,532,780 35 222 193 584,900 102,639 865,612 689,359 17 587 259 288,525 125,474 814,189 588,678 562 9443 2,497 1,724,686 482,633 1,605,591 3,662,086 212 16 635 468,343 193. S55 468.619 1,013,862 127 88 631 650,710 276,081 466,740 1,051,026 Tobacco, chewing, smoking, and snuffing... 32 70 174 900 889 662,691 1!>7.:H1 212.752 140,668 . 826,165 187,643 1,647,669 449,836 89 855 198 117,347 17.028 811,009 415,401 Woollen eoods 86 796 485 588,102 142,350 620,619 897,067 Kentucky has little direct foreign commerce, but its domestic commerce is very extensive. The chief commercial places are Maysville, Cov- ington, Louisville, Owensboro, Henderson, and Paducah, on the Ohio, Columbus on the Missis- sippi, and Lexington in the interior. The prin- cipal exports are hemp, flax, tobacco, horses, mules, hogs, cattle, bagging, and rope. There are two United States customs districts, of which Louisville and Paducah are the ports of entry. The total number- of vessels registered, en- rolled, and licensed in 1873 was 55, of 13,807 tons, at Louisville, and 15, of 2,878 tons, at Paducah. Of those at Louisville, 44 were steamers and 11 barges, while the entire num- ber at Paducah were steamers. Boat building