Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume VI.djvu/276

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DROWNING DROZ 2-01), the fat (0'92) is specifically lighter, and the air within the thorax tends to establish an equilibrium. Owing to this, a very slight ex- ertion enables one to keep himself at the sur- face of the water ; but any part of the persom, as an arm, raised out of the fluid, acts like a weight imposed upon the rest of the body, and thus inexperienced persons are often drowned by their own struggles. Death takes place from asphyxia ; the blood in the lungs being unchanged by the action of air, the circulation through these organs is obstructed, and the blood becomes charged with carbonic acid ; in- sensibility is rapidly induced, and death takes place, frequently preceded by convulsive move- ments. The period during which the sub- mersion may continue without death varies in different persons. (See DIVING.) In some in- stances bodies submerged but a minute, in de- spite of all attempts at restoration, have been found completely lifeless, while many cases are on record in which recovery has taken place after a submersion of five minutes. In the "London Medical Gazette," vol. xxxi., a case is given of recovery after 14 minutes' sub- mersion ; the time here was calculated, but the circumstances render the calculation ex- ceedingly probable. The explanation of re- covery after prolonged submersion has been sought in the occurrence of fainting at the mo- ment of the fall, and it is certain that during syncope the demand for air is very much di- minished. When the body is recovered a few hours after drowning, the skin is cold and pale, presenting sometimes patches of livid dis- coloration ; the expression is placid, the eyes half open, the pupils dilated, the tongue swol- len and pressed forward, and the lips and nos- trils covered by a mucous froth; the fingers are sometimes found torn and abraded, and the hand grasping gravel or other substances which have been seized in a convulsive strug- gle at the bottom. Internally the body pre- sents few appearances which are characteristic of the mode of death ; of these the presence of a mucous froth, sometimes stained with blood, and perhaps of a little water in the trachea, and of water in the stomach, are most noteworthy. The water contained in the stomach appears to be swallowed previous to death ; after death the apposition of the sides of the oesophagus prevents the entrance of water into the stomach. When the body is recovered after a short immersion in the water, efforts for resuscitation should be made immediately, and perseveringly continued un- til recovery takes place or the case is evidently hopeless. In a case related by Mr. Bloomfield !$ hour elapsed before there was any appear- ance of returning animation; and in one by Dr. Douglas ("Medical Gazette," vol. xxxi., p. 149), success was met with only after 8 hours. The plan proposed by Dr. Marshall Hall in 1855 is based on physiological principles, and has been found eminently successful in prac- tice. His rules are as follows : 1. Treat the patient instantly, on the spot, in the open air, freely exposing the lace, neck, and chest to the breeze, ex- cept in very severe weather. 2. Send with all speed for medi- cal aid and for articles of clothing, blankets, &c. I. To clear the throat. 8. Place the patient gently on the face, with one wrist under the forehead. All fluids, and the tongue itself, then fall forward, and leave the entrance into the windpipe free. II. To excite respiration. 4. Turn the patient slight- ly on his side; apply snuff or other irritant to the nostrils; and dash cold water on the face, previously rubbed briskly until it is warm. If there be no success, lose no time, but ap- ply the third rule. III. To imitate respiration. 5. Replace the patient on his face. 6. Turn the body gently but com- pletely on the side, and a little beyond, and then on the face, alternately, repeating these measures deliberately, efficiently, and perseveringly, 15 times in the minute only. (This num- ber of thoracic movements per minute agrees with the natu- ral order of respiratory thoracic dilatations and contractions,, corresponding with a slow movement of the heart, averaging something less than 60 pulsations per minute, and therefore merits due Attention.) The rationale of the operation is this: When the patient reposes on the thorax, this cavity is com- pressed by the weight of the body, and expiration is pro- moted ; when he is turned on the side, this pressure is re- moved, and inspiration is facilitated. 7. When the prone position is resumed, make equable but efficient pressure along the spine, removing it immediately before rotation on the side. (The first measure augments expiration, the second commences inspiration.) IV. To induce circulation and warmth. 8. Continuing these measures, rub the limbs up- ward, with a firm pressure and with energy, using handker- chiefs, &c. 9. Replace the patient's wet clothing by Buch other covering as can be instantly procured, each bystander supplying a coat or waistcoat. Meanwhile, and from time to time, proceed to the fifth rule. V. To excite inspiration. 10. Let the surface of the body be slapped briskly with the hand ; or, 11. Let cold water be dashed briskly on the surface, previously rubbed dry and warm. DROYSEN, Jolinnn Gnstav, a German historian, born at Treptow, Pomerania, July 6, 1808. He studied at Stettin and at Berlin, and be- tween 1829 and 1840 was a teacher at a gym- nasium in the latter city, and private tutor and professor at the university. In 1840 he went to Kiel as professor of history, and during a residence of ten years was an active partisan of the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein in the controversy with Denmark. He was the au- thor of the "Kiel address" of 1844, and in 1846 took part in the preparation of the pro- test signed by nine professors of the university. On the establishment of the provisional gov- ernment in Kiel in 1848, he was sent as a pleni- potentiary to the diet at Frankfort, where he advocated the rights of the duchies. Subse- .quently he was a member of the Frankfort parliament. In 1851 he was called to Jena as professor of history, and in 1859 to the same chair at Berlin. Among his earlier works are translations of ^Eschylus and Aristophanes, a history of Alexander the Great (1833), and a history of Hellenism (2 vols., Hamburg, 1836- '43). Turning his attention to modern history, he published Vorlesungcn uber die OescMchte der FreiheitsTcriege (Kiel, 1846); Leben des Feldmarschalls Gra/en York von Wartenbui (Berlin, 1851); and Geschichte der preussi- schen Politik (10 vols., Berlin, 1855-'70). DROZ, Francois Xayier Joseph, a French au- thor, born in Besancon, Oct. 31, 1773, di( " Nov. 4, 1850. In 1803 he removed to Paris, where he became acquainted with the promi- nent philosophers of the day. After a variety of smaller works which failed to attract atten- tion, he published in 1806 an Essai sur I 1 art d*etre Jieureux, which passed through numer-