Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume VII.djvu/285

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FLORENCE COUNCIL OF FLORENCE 277 for the deaf and dumb, and for orphans, and an ancient association of the nobles and gen- try for the relief of the sick and suffering poor. The trade of Florence is chiefly in the produce of the surrounding country, oil, wine, and raw silk, and in her own manufac- tures, of which the principal are silk stuffs, straw hats, artificial flowers, musical and scien- tific instruments, jewelry, and fine porcelain. The climate is mild and healthy, though the winds from the Apennines cause sudden tran- sitions from heat to cold, frequently in the same day. The city is exempt from specific diseases and epidemics. Foreigners find Sep- tember, October, and November the most agreeable months for residence, and the spring months are very delightful. The environs are like beautiful gardens, and abound in delight- ful places for excursions. The Cascine, which takes its name from the dairy to which the ex- tensive pastures and pleasure grounds are an- nexed, is the chief park of Florence for the dis- play of equestrian and fashionable equipages. The drives are fine, and the surrounding scenery is superb. The people are lively, polite, and intelligent, with a refinement of manner and language which extends even to the lowest classes, whose style of speech is singularly graceful, delicate, and expressive. The climate, the cheapness of living, the galleries of art, and the refinement of the people render Florence a particularly pleasant place of residence, and have attracted to it great numbers of foreign- ers, especially English and Americans. During the occupancy of the city by the Italian gov- ernment Florence was one of the gayest capi- tals in Europe. Florence was called Floren- tia by the Romans. It is supposed to have been founded by the dictator Sulla, about 80 B. C. ; but it seems to have been of little im- portance till the later ages of the Roman em- pire. In 406 it was a considerable city, and was besieged by Radagaisus, at the head of a great army of Vandals, Burgundians, Alans, and other barbarians. Stilicho raised the siege and captured and put to death the barbarian monarch. About the middle of the 6th century it was destroyed by Totila, king of the Ostro- goths. Charlemagne rebuilt it at the end of the 8th, and during the next two centuries it grew in importance, till in the 10th the people acquired the right of electing their own magistrates. The city was governed by a senate of 100 persons, with an executive of four, and afterward of six consuls. In 1207 the chief executive functions were assigned to a single magistrate called the podestd. In 1215 the Florentines began to take part in the civil war between the Guelphs and the Ghibellines which convulsed Italy. After a contest lasting for 33 years, the Guelph or papal party was beaten and expelled from the city. A few years later the citizens took arms against the nobles, defeated them, demolished their fortified palaces, and established a demo- cratic government, with two chief magistrates, one styled " the captain of the people " and the other podestd, and various councils chosen from all classes of the population. The feuds be- tween Ghibellines and Guelphs were however renewed, and carried on with varying results. In 1282 the republic adopted a new system of government, which continued unchanged for several centuries. A long series of civil wars between the factions of the Bianchi and Neri (whites and blacks) ensued, in spite of which the city grew very rich and powerful. It be- came the financial capital of Europe, and its merchants carried on an immense trade with foreign countries. The population amounted to 150,000, and the armed militia, who could be called together by the tolling of a bell, were reckoned at 25,000. In 1342 Gaultier de Bri- enne, an adventurer who bore the title of duke of Athens, became lord of Florence by a coup d'etat; but after a year of cruel despotism he was deposed and driven from. the city by a sudden insurrection. The anniversary of this revolution, July 26, 1343, is still celebrated at Florence. The republic was restored, and continued to flourish in spite of factions, in- surrections, and civil and foreign wars, till the 15th century, when the family of the Medici obtained a controlling influence in its affairs, which resulted in the final overthrow of re- publican institutions in the 16th century. (See MEDICI, and TUSCANY.) In 1849 Florence was for a short time the seat of a provisional government. It was the scene of a revolution, April 27, 1859 ; and in March, I860, the peo- ple voted for annexation to Sardinia. It was decreed to be the capital of the new king- dom of Italy, Dec. 11, 1864. Victor Eman- uel and his court removed thither from Turin May 13, 1865, and on the day following the 600th anniversary of Dante's birth was cele- brated. In July, 1871, the seat of government was transferred to Rome. Of the older histo- ries of the city, ~NLachiaveWsIstorieJiorentine, Nardi's Storia della cittd di Firenze, and Var- chi's Storia fiorentina are the most impor- tant. A "Florentine History," by H. E. Na- pier (6 vols. 12mo), was published in London in 1846-'7, and a " History of the Republic of Florence," by Adolphus Trollope, in. 1864. For descriptions of Florence see "European Capitals," by William Ware (Boston, 1851), " Six Months in Italy," by George S. Hillard (6th ed., Boston, 1858), and "Walks in Flor- ence," by Susan and Joanna Horner (2 vols. 12mo, London, 1873). FLORENCE, Council of, the 16th general coun- cil of the church, according to Roman Catholic theologians. It was convened in Ferrara by Eugenius IV. for the purpose of reuniting the eastern and western churches. The first session was held in Ferrara Jan. 10, 1438, Nicholas Al- bergati presiding as cardinal legate. The pope himself opened the second session, Feb. 15, and on March 10 the Greek emperor John VI. or VII. was present, with the patriarch of Constan- tinople and a number of eastern prelates. The