Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume X.djvu/396

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390 LEXINGTON LEX LOCI LEXINGTON, a city and the capital of Fayette co., Kentucky, situated on the Town fork of Elkhorn river, a tributary of the Kentucky, at the intersection of the Louisville, Cincinnati, and Lexington, and the Kentucky Central rail- roads, 65 m. E. by S. of Louisville, and 20 m. S. E. of Frankfort; pop. in 1860, 9,321; in 1870, 14,801, of whom 7,171 were colored. The surrounding country is of unsurpassed beauty and fertility. The streets are wide, laid out at right angles, and are well paved, lighted with gas, and bordered with trees. Main street is more than 2 m. long ; at its W. end is a beautiful cemetery, containing a monu- ment to Henry Clay. Lexington has an impor- tant trade, and contains carriage factories and extensive bagging and rope factories. There are three national banks, with an aggregate capital of $900,000, and a state bank, with $550,000. It contains one of the state insane asylums and an orphan asylum, and is the seat College of Arts, Kentucky University. of the state university, which in 187l-'2 had 21 professors, 9 other officers and instructors, 579 students in all departments, and 20,000 volumes in its libraries. This institution was chartered in 1858, and opened at Harrodsburg in 1859. In 1865 it was removed to Lexington, and Transylvania university was merged in it. (See KENTUCKY.) Lexington contains five fe- male educational institutions, viz. : Hocker fe- male college (Disciples'), the Sayre institute, a Baptist female school, an Episcopal female school, and St. Catharine's academy (Roman Catholic), each having handsome and commo- dious buildings. There are three free schools for white children, with an average attendance of 650 pupils ; four for colored children, average 455; and two Catholic schools, average 180. The Lexington library company has 16,000 volumes. There are two semi- weekly and two weekly newspapers and 18 churches. The first settlement was made in 1775 by Col. Robert Patterson. The news of the battle of Lexing- ton reached the settlers while they were laying out the town, and they immediately named it after the first battle field of the revolution. The town was incorporated by an act of the Virginia legislature in 1782. The first legisla- ture of Kentucky met here. LEXINGTON, a town and the capital of La- fayette co., Missouri, on the right bank of the Missouri river, 110 m. N. W. of Jefferson City; pop. in 1870, 4,373, of whom 1,178 were col- ored. It occupies a healthy site 300 ft. above the river. It is the terminus of a branch of the Missouri Pacific railroad, and North Lex- ington, on the opposite bank of the river, is a station on the St. Louis, Kansas City, and Northern railroad, and the terminus of the St. Joseph branch of that line. The surrounding country is fertile, and contains deposits of coal. Lexington has an important trade, and con- tains saw mills, flouring mills, rope factories, four banks, three pub- lic schools, three female seminaries, four weekly (one German) newspa- pers, and eleven church- es. It was settled in 1837. In September, 1861, there was severe fighting be- tween the federals sta- tioned here, nearly 3,000, under Col. Mulligan, and a confederate force four times as large under Gen. Price, resulting in the surrender of the town and garrison on the 21st. LEX LOCI (Lat., the law of the place), in juris- prudence, a general rule that remedy for all legal wrongs must be pursued in accordance with the forms prescribed by the lex fort, the law of the forum, or law of the country to whose courts appeal is made for redress, and that the character, nature, and extent of the remedy which will be afforded must be determined and measured by that law. Thus, if a sub- ject of a foreign country whose laws give at- tachment of goods and summary judgment for the enforcement of debts, and admit of no exemptions from the execution that may issue on the judgment, shall bring suit for the re- covery of a debt in the courts of another coun- try, where jury trial is allowed, where the pro- cesses are slow and deliberate, and where large exemptions from execution are made, he must submit to the delays and exemptions which the laws to which he appeals shall permit or provide for ; and no rule of interstate comity will enti- tle him to have the summary proceedings of his own country introduced in another for his benefit. But while the lexfori determines the remedy, there are several classes of cases in