Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume X.djvu/9

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Among the Contributors to the Tenth Volume of the Revised Edition are the following : Prof. CLEVELAND ABBE, Washington, D. 0. MAGNET. PAUL AEPIN, late Editor of the " Oourrier des Etats-Unis," New York. LA HAEPE, JEAN FRANCOIS DE. LAVOISIER, ANTOINE LAURENT. LEDRU-KOLLIN, ALEXANDRE AUGUSTE. WILLABD BAETLETT. MADRAS. Prof. 0. W. BENNETT, D. D., Syracuse Uni- versity. LEE, JESSE. LEE, LUTHER. MCKENDRIE, WILLIAM. JULIUS BING. LONDON, MACMAHON, Marshal, President of France, and other articles in biography, geography, and history. FEANCIS 0. BOWMAN. LTTCOA, PAULINE. MACFARREN, GEORGE ALEXANDER, MADRIGAL. EDWARD L. BUELINGAME, Ph. D. KRASINSKI, ZYGMUNT NAPOLEON. Count, LEWES, GEORGE HENRY, LEWES, MARIAN EVANS (GEORGE ELIOT), and other articles in biography and history. ROBEET OAETEE. Louis XIV., XV., and XVI., MACHIAVELLI, NICCOLO, MADAGASCAR, and other articles in biography and history. Jonx D. CHAMPLIN, Jr. LAMARTINE, ALPHONSE MARIE Louis DE, LIBRARY, MAGIC, and articles in biography and history. Prof. E. H. CLAEKE^, M. D., Harvard University. KINO, Koosso, LIME, MEDICAL USES OF, and other articles in materia medica. JOHN ESTEN COOKE, Richmond, Va. LEE, KICHARD HENRY. LEE, ARTHUR. MADISON, JAMES. Hon. T. M. COOLEY, LL. D., Michigan Univer- sity, Ann Arbor. LAWYER, LEX Loci, LIMITED LIABILITY, and other legal articles. Prof. J. 0. DALTON, M. D. LEE, CHARLES ALFRED, LIVER, LONGET, FRANCOIS ACHILLE, and other medical and physiological articles. EDWAED F. DE LANCEY. LOWE, Sir HUDSON. EATON S. DEONE. LACE, LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, and articles in American geography. Prof. THOMAS M. DEOWN, M. D., Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. LEAD. E. A. DUYCKINCK. LIBBER, FRANCIS. ROBEET T. EDES, M. D., Harvard University. Articles in materia medica. Louis ELSBEBG, M. D. KlECHHOFF, GUSTAV EOBEET. W. M. FEEEISS. LAMAIBM. LEONARDO DA PISA. Gen. W. B. FEANKLIN, Hartford, Conn. LIGHTHOUSE. ALFEED H. GUEENSEY. LEE, EGBERT EDWARD, LITHOGRAPHY, McCLELLAN, GEORGE BEINTON, and other articles in biography and history. J. W. HA WES. LABEADOE, LOUISIANA, LOWELL (city), and other articles in American geography. Hon. CHAELES C. HAZEWELL, Boston, Mass. MACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON. M. HEILPEIN. KLAPKA, GYSRGY. KOBSUTH, LAJOS. MACEDONIA. CHAELES L. HOGEBOOM, M. D. LIGHT. Prof. F. M. HUBBAED, D. D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. MACON, NATHANIEL. Prof. T. STEEEY HUNT, LL. D., Mass. Inst. of Technology, Boston. LESLEY, JOHN PETER. LOGAN, Sir WILLIAM EDMOND. ROSSITEE JOHNSON. LAKE DWELLINGS, LINCOLN, ABRAHAM, and other articles in biography and geography. R. M. KELLY, Louisville, Ky. LOUISVILLE. Prof. S. KNEELAND, M. D., Technology, Boston. LEOPARD, LOBSTER, LOCUST, and other articles in zoOlogy. , Inst. of