Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XI.djvu/392

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380 MEMPHIS 1872-'3, 415,255; in 1873-'4, 429,327. The yearly sales of actual cotton in the Memphis market rank it second in importance in the Uni- ted States. The annual value of the trade of the city is about $63,000,000, viz. : cotton, $32,- 000,000 ; groceries and western produce, $12,- 500,000 ; dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, and miscellaneous merchandise, $15,000,000 ; home manufactures, $3,500,000. The principal manufactories are five large founderies and ma- chine shops, with several smaller ones, exten- sive wood works, a tobacco factory, a furni- ture factory, and three of the largest oil mills in the United States, consuming about 500,000 sacks of cotton seed annually, and producing nearly $1,000,000 worth of cotton-seed oil, oil cake, and reginned cotton. The number of vessels belonging to the port on June 30, 1873, was 32, with an aggregate tonnage of 5,788. There are 10 banks, with an aggregate paid-up capital of $2,500,000, and average deposits of $3,500,000 to $4,000,000. Ten insurance com- panies chartered by the state have their head- quarters in Memphis, and about 30 companies of other states and countries have agencies there. The city is divided into ten wards, and is governed by a mayor, with a board of alder- men of one member and a common council of two members from each ward. It has an effi- cient police force and a good fire department. The assessed valuation in 1860 was $18,212,- 861; in 1870, $24,783,190; in 1874, $29,801,- 592. The rate of taxation is $1 80 on $100, and the city debt amounts to about $4,000,000. The United States courts for the W. district of Tennessee are held here. The principal chari- table institutions are the Leath orphan asylum, St. Peter's orphan asylum, church orphans' Memphis, Tenn. home, the colored orphan asylum, and the city hospital. There are 67 public schools, with an average attendance of 2,918 white and 1,565 colored pupils; they are graded, and include a male and a female high school. Four of the Catholic parochial schools are also free, and have a daily attendance of 650 white children. Christian Brothers' college (Roman Catholic), established in 1871, in 1873-'4 had 12 profes- sors and instructors, and 122 preparatory and 37 collegiate students. The Memphis female college is in the city, and the state female col- lege near by. There are 32 private schools and academies. The Memphis library association has 9,000 volumes. Five daily, one tri- week- ly, nine weekly (one German) newspapers and two monthly periodicals are published. There are 48 churches, viz. : 11 Baptist (8 colored), 2 Christian (1 colored), 2 Congregational (1 col- ored), 3 Cumberland Presbyterian, 5 Episco- pal, 2 Jewish, 1 Lutheran, 12 Methodist (4 Southern and 6 colored), 6 Presbyterian (1 German), and 4 Roman Catholic (1 German). Memphis was laid out in 1820, and incor- porated as a city in 1831. During the civil war, after a naval encounter in which the confederate flotilla was nearly destroyed, the city was taken possession of by the Union forces, June 6, 1862, and was never afterward held by the confederates. In August, 1864, n cavalry raid was made upon it by Gen. For- rest, who entered the town, made several hun- dred prisoners, and then departed. MEMPHIS (Coptic, Men/ft or Menofre, "good abode" or "the abode of the good one," sup- posed to refer to Osiris ; in hieroglyphic in- scriptions, according to some, Ma-en-Ptah, abode of Ptah ; in Scripture, Noph or Moph), an ancient capital of Egypt, on the W. bank of the Nile, 10 m. S. of the modern city of