Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XI.djvu/40

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32 MAINE chiefly in Kennebec and Knox cos. for exporta- tion to various parts of the world. In 1873, ,lMim. nts cut 301,000 tons, valued at $662,000. Most of the granite quarries are on tin- oi.-i-t. tho principal ones being in Knox iurnln counties. Here the granite is dressed ami shaped for use in buildings in dis- tant parts of the country. The stone quarried i waa valued at $536,738, and the slate at $85,000. According to the census of 1870, Maine had more capital invested in the pro- duction of lime than any other state except i ..rk, and produced more in value than any except Pennsylvania ; the capital invested amounting to $1,058,000, and the products to $1,741,553. In the manufacture of cotton goods Maine in 1870 ranked sixth among the states. The manufacture of woollen goods is also an important industry. The census of 1870 gives the number of manufacturing es- tablishments at 5,550, using 354 steam engines of 9,465 horse power, and 2,760 water wheels of 70,108 horse power, and employing 49,180 hands, of whom 34,310 were males above 16 years of age, 13,448 females above 15, and 1,422 youth. The amount of capital invested was $39,796,190; wages paid during the year, $14,282,205; value of materials, $49,397,757; of products, $79,497,521. The leading indus- tries are indicated in the following statement : INDUSTRIES. No. of eitablUh- menti. Steam engines, bone power. Water wheels, hone power. Hands employed. Capital. Wages. Materials. Products. Blackstnlthinfr 604 22 15 1,282 $417,595 $175,418 $346.191 $1,012,117 Bleaching and dyeing 16 175 263,500 661980 2,570,522 2,713,950 898 83 19 2.786 871,683 894,887 2,261,229 8,749,710 291 12 438 1,128 533,030 856,207 335,544 1,051,488 Clothing men's . 148 4,563 551,610 509,013 1,863,891 2,881,863 20 820 7,908 9,879 9,789,685 2,550,597 6,671,280 11,739,781 " batting and wadding 1 ' 8 2,000 600 4,500 5,000 2 57 43,000 14,000 71,000 98,800 9 ISO 541 260 214,750 111,882 113,767 342,050 40 5 450 160,920 70,230 359,087 617,878 Kloiirinc uii'l grist mill products 205 200 8,191 559 944,350 115,308 8.887,370 4.415,993 4 780 120 463 550000 272,958 1,051,890 1 591 196 | 6 40 24 85,000 17,400 81,300 53,800 " nails and spikes, cut and wrought 2 44 850 00 224 22 501 80,000 704718 12,400 242654 24,590 845 427 40.636 749 275 " " stoves, heaters, and hollow ware 8 10 5 11 7666 4818 15479 23C90 Leather, tanned 128 552 1,813 7S1 1,606740 285,882 3,621,127 8 779 227 76 109 126 219 238 209 64244 894 862 1 082 554 " morocco, tanned and curried .*... board 1 2 J20 20 18 20,000 36 000 10,000 7300 40,850 12 600 50,000 28 000 Lini- 41 739 1 058 000 ' 211 527 1 222 809 1 741 553 l.UllliilT, planed 18 828 107 129 'lO?' 800 41 940 '288^575 '322'375 sawed 1 099 8218 88 898 8 506 6 614 875 2 449 13'? 6 872 728 11 895 747 Molasses and sugar refined. 240 'l85 775 000 117 000 2 958 118 3 14'^ 132 Oil, floor cloth 6 98 .... 297 525 000 149 500 850 200 1 314 000 23 111 876 Paper 12 10 1 608 382 899 000 864 153 Shfp building, repairing, and ship mate- 118 180 1 802 904,478 627 185 1 263 821 2 858 415 Vegetables, canned 8 27 .... 803 84^ 000 8 9 500 247 000 605 000 Woollen goods 66 140 8,867 2,925 4,092,685 1,035,433 8,761,715 6,150,620 The industrial interests of Maine have been greatly extended in recent years. The condi- tion of the most important industries in 1873, according to the state industrial statistician, is approximately given in the following state- ment, the number of establishments making returns being less than the actual number : Bsasr? Wrick .-.jods wagons, and - iiK-n's and boys'

at ting, warp, -land packed. 8 112 98 88 69 43 16 5 20 7 81 7, IN') 825,000 180


4,0*7 261 MM BrtMa 10,699 12,252,000 145| 180,000 480,000 .-".:,: t 1,842,000 824,550 Ml.'^l 12,151,750 INDUSTRIES. $ It 11 <* J 11 Flouring and grist mill products Ice, prepared for market Iron, cast, forged, and rolled Leather, tanned and cur- ried 85 24 22 61 161 160 472 663 620.600 60,000 695,200 1 529 380 2,276.122 552,000 1,649,640 8 187300 Lime 25 456 l'099'soo 1 535 0^5 Lumber, long and short. " planed Machinery, cotton and woollen 1,086 6 8 7,476 so 250 6,879,492 80,000 212 800 9,020.222 210,000 315 500 Machinery, steam en- gines, cars, &c 30 1101 1 00~ 500 2 501 247 Oit fish ... 12 446 823 500 852 550 " kerosene Pai>er, prinfg and wrap- ping Print ing and publishing. Sash, doors, and blinds. Shooks, box and hogs- head 1 9 81 21 28

836 274 241 868 200,000 1,500,000 440,262 870,000 149 950 254,500 8,041.000 801,600 364,450 652 01 8 Woollen goods 89 2.727 3217000 f. MS 292