Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XI.djvu/404

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392 MENOMONEES MENOPOMA sion of the Chicago and Northwestern rail- road. There were 4 saw mills in operation in 1870, producing lumber to the value of $599,- 000. Capital, Menominee. MKOMOEES, or Menomiuoos a tribe of Amer- ican Indians, belonging to the Algonquin fam- ily, and from their first discovery to the pres- ent century residing on the Menominee river, which empties into Green bay, Wis. Their traditions point to an emigration from the east, but as early as 1640 they were known to the French as residing near Green bay, their name being that of the wild rice on which they in great part subsisted. Missions were es- tablished among them as early as 1670 "by the Jesuits Allouez and Andre. They were light- er in complexion than the neighboring tribes, and remarkably well formed. They continued friendly to the French till the troubles caused by La Sailed monopoly, when they are said to have instigated the murder of some men em- ployed at the Jesuit mission; but they made reparation, and when the Foxes made war on the French, the Menomonees marched to the relief of Detroit in 1712, and subsequently drove the Foxes from the bay. In the opera- tions against the English they were frequently in the field from 1712 to 1763, some of their braves figuring in Braddock's defeat and the battles of Fort William Henry and the Plains of Abraham. When the American revolution began, they, under their chief Chakauchokama, or Old King, adhered to the English side, and a part of the warriors went to Montreal ; but Clarke's success in Illinois checked all opera- tions on their part in the west till 1780, when they served in the expedition against the Span- iards at St. Louis. After the close of the war they remained friendly till the second war with Great Britain, when they were again won over by English officers, and under Thomas Car- ron helped to capture Mackinaw in July, 1812, fought under their chief Souligny with Tecum- seh at Fort Meigs in 1813, and under Carron and Grisly Bear were repulsed by Croghan at Sandusky. They were also at the battle of Mackinaw in 1814, and probably in the capture of Prairie du Chien. On March 30, 1817, To- wanapee and other chiefs made a treaty with Clarke, Edwards, and Chouteau, ratifying land grants of the French, English, and Spanish gov- ernments, and giving up prisoners. The treaty of 1825 recognized their territory as bounded N. by the Chippewa country, E. by Green bay and Lake Michigan, south by the Milwaukee river, and W. by the Black. The treaty of 1827 settled the line between them and the Chip- pewas. That of Feb. 5, 1831, began the ces- sion of their lands and the payment of money. That of Sept. 3, 1836, ceded a large tract for |680,110. In the meantime they served the United States in the Sac and Fox war. In 1862 and 1868 the official reports give half or two thirds of the tribe as Catholic, the rest be- ing pagan. Schools have been maintained with great regularity, but inconsiderable effect on the tribe, very few acquiring English. After the cession of their lands their reservation was between the Wisconsin, Wolf, and Fox, and the Chippewa country. By a treaty in 1848 they were to remove west of the Mississippi; but the nation repudiated the treaty. In Novem- ber, 1852, they were placed on the Upper Wolf and Oconto rivers, Wisconsin, 50 m. from Green Bay, and the reservation was secured to them by treaty in 1854. It consists of 230,400 acres of very poor land. Oshkosh, grandson of Old King, was at this time the head chief, and re- mained so till his death in 1858. They refused to join the Sioux in their outbreak in 1861, and several of the warriors served as volun- teers in the United States army during the civil war. They have declined rapidly in numbers. In 1822 they were estimated at 3,900, and in 1872 were reported at 1,480. Disease, and es- pecially intoxication, which seems ineradicable, are steadily destroying the tribe. Their lan- guage is a very peculiar Algonquin dialect, with strange guttural sounds and accents, and dif- fers from the other dialects in the inflection of the verbs and other parts of speech. MENOPOMA, a North American tailed batra- chian reptile, one of the series of animals which seem to connect the perennibranchiate amphibians with the salamanders. The genus menopoma was established by Harlan in 1825, though Leuckhardt had formed the genus cryp- tobranchuB in 1821. The generic characters are : large and flat head ; upper jaw with two concentric series of minute teeth, the inner the less extensive, lower jaw with a single se- ries; a single branchial orifice on each side; branchiae rudimentary and evanescent; ex- tremities four, the anterior with four fingers, the posterior with five, short and palmated : skin loose and folded on the sides of the body. The common menopoma (M. Alleghaniense^ Harlan) attains a length of about 15 in., of Menopoma Alleghaniense. 1. Head. 2. Mouth. which the head is 14 and the body 9; the large mouth is provided with thick lips, and the snout is full and rounded ; the nostrils an- terior and very small, the eyes minute and black ; no cutaneous fold at the throat ; body stout and thick, the vent a circular fringed