Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XI.djvu/70

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62 MALDEN MiLDEN, a town of Middlesex co., Massachu- setts, on a stream of the same name, navigable by vessels of 800 tons to within half a mile of the main village, and on the Boston and Maine railroad and tin- SUULMIS branch of the Eastern railroad, 5 in. N. of Boston ; pop. in 1870, 7,867. It is connected with Charlestown by a bridge 2,420 ft. long. The manufacturing in- dustry of the town is extensive, the chief arti- cles produced being India-rubber boots and shoes, lasts, boot trees, enamelled leather, coach lace and tassels, and iron pipes. There are es- tuMi-hments for dyeing silks, cottons, &c., and staining glass. The town contains a national bank, a laving! bank, good public schools, two weekly newspapers, and eight churches. MALDIVES, or Maltdiva Islands, a chain of small coral islands in the Indian ocean, about 460 m. W. of Ceylon, extending in a straight line from lat. 7 6' N. to 40' S., between Ion. 72 48' and 78 48' E. The length of the chain is about 650 m., and its breadth about 60 m. The number of islands is commonly stated by the natives at 12,000, but is supposed to be in reality nearly 50,000. Their aggregate area is about 2,600 sq. m. The great majority of them are mere rocks or sand banks, and only the larger islands are inhabited. They are divided into 17 atolls or circular groups, each atoll being enclosed by a coral reef, gen- erally about 90 m. in circumference. These reefs have channels through them navigable by the boats of the natives ; and though the sea beats with great violence on the outside, the water within the reefs is calm and generally shallow. There are deep channels between the atolls, four of which have been examined by European vessels and found navigable by the largest ships. The principal island is Male, in lat. 4 10' N., Ion. 73 40' E. It is 7 m. in cir- cumference, and contains 2,000 inhabitants. It is the residence of the sovereign, who bears the title of sultan of the Twelve Thousand Isles, and who acknowledges some degree of depen- dence on the British government of Ceylon, to which he annually sends an embassy with tribute, and receives presents in return. The population of the whole cluster is estimated at from 150,000 to 200,000. The highest land in the islands is only 20 ft. above the sea. Each island is circular in form, and has a lagoon in the centre. The soil is sandy, and at the depth ft. a layer of sandstone is found. The inhabited islands are richly wooded with palms, fig trees, citron trees, and breadfruit trees. They produce abundance of millet, and of a similar small grain called brinby, of both which e inhabitants reap two harvests in the year. They also gather various roots, which, with nee imported from Hindostan, and fish and cocoanuts. constitute their food. The climate h,,t, though the nights are cool and the earth is refreshed by heavy dews The islands are unhealthy fur Europeans. ma April to October is the rainy season, during which the westerly winds are boisterous. MALDIVES In the dry season, from October to April, the winds are easterly. The islands breed prodi- gious numbers of wild ducks, pigeons, and other wild fowl, which are much used for food, and sold very cheap. There are no large quadru- peds except a few sheep and cows. Cats, pole- cats, and ferrets are found, and rats are very numerous and troublesome. There is a poison- ous species of water snake, and the mosquitoes are said to be larger and fiercer than in any other part of the East Indies. The Maldivians are strict Mohammedans. They are handsome, well made, and generally of an olive complex- ion, though some have much fairer complexions than others, which is probably attributable to their descent from Persian or Arab stock, while the majority of the population are obviously of Hindoo origin. The people are ingenious and industrious, and have attained to some degree of civilization. They clothe themselves in silk or cotton robes, and are cleanly in their habits, both sexes bathing regularly once a day. The men shave their heads, but allow their beards to grow. The women allow the hair to grow long, and fasten it up behind. They are not kept secluded as in other Mohammedan coun- tries, but enjoy a tolerable degree of liberty. The Koran is the supreme law, but there are various peculiar local laws and usages. An in- solvent debtor becomes the servant of the cred- itor until the debt is worked out. The ordinary punishment for criminals is whipping, which is sometimes inflicted so severely as to produce death. Frequently criminals are punished by banishment to the southern islands. The peo- ple learn to read and write Arabic as well as their own native language, and they have schools in which the mathematics and naviga- tion are taught. Polygamy to the extent of three wives is tolerated, and divorce is restricted only by the necessity of paying back the dowry received with the wife. The people are a quiet and pacific race, kind and hospitable to stran- gers, though distrustful of foreigners. They are friendly toward each other, and the ties of kindred are cherished with much affection. The internal commerce of the islands is con- siderable, for each atoll has its peculiar branch of industry ; in one the brewers reside, in another the goldsmiths; locksmiths, mat ma- kers, potters, turners, and joiners, each inhabit exclusively their respective atolls. This divi- sion of labor gives rise to a constant inter- course and interchange of commodities, car- ried on by means of boats, which are some- times absent for a year from their own islands. Every family, even the poorest, has a boat, and the rich keep several. The multitude of rocks and reefs is so great that this navigation is extremely difficult, and much property is lost by accidents at sea ; but the natives being uni- versally good swimmers, their lives are seldom endangered by these shipwrecks. There is some trade with the continent of India, carried on by native boats of about 30 tons burden, built of cocoanut trees. With these boats they