Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XI.djvu/73

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MALIBRAN MALLET 65 was noted for his avarice, his pretended con- tempt of poets, his fondness for female soci- ety, his wit, and his dilettantism in language. He wrote for the most part light lyrics, odes, stanzas, epigrams, sonnets, and a few devo- tional pieces. The latest edition of his works is that of M. L. Lalanne (4 vols., Paris, 1865). MALIBRAN, Maria Felicia, a Spanish singer, horn in Paris, March 24, 1808, died in Man- chester, England, Sept. 23, 1836. She was the eldest daughter of the singer and instructor Manuel Garcia, hy whom she was taken when nine years old to England, where she remained for a number of years. Her father instructed her in singing, and by her 17th year she had acquired so great a facility that on June 7, 1825, she was enabled to make her debut in London as Rosina in the Barbiere di Semglia, on the occasion of the sudden departure of Mme. Pasta, who was to have undertaken the part. She sang with success in other operas and at private and public concerts in London, Manchester, and Liverpool, during the same season, giving promise of great future emi- nence; and in the autumn of 1825 she accom- panied her father to the United States as prima donna of an opera company of which he had assumed the direction. She appeared in New York, Nov. 29, in the part of Rosina, the oc- casion being memorable in musical annals as that which witnessed the introduction of the Italian opera into the United States. Her re- ception was enthusiastic, and she appeared successively in a number of parts, each of which subsequently became a perfect creation in her hands. In the midst of her triumphs she was married, March 23, 1826, to Eugene Malibran, an elderly French merchant of New York, reputed to be possessed of considerable wealth. He afterward failed, and Mme. Mali- bran, offended by the readiness with which her husband sought to retrieve his fortunes by her professional labors, surrendered to his creditors the property settled upon her as a marriage dower, and in September, 1827, returned alone to Europe. From Jan. 14, 1828, when she made her first appearance before a Parisian audience, until the close of her life, her career was prosperous and brilliant. She was accus- tomed to spend the winter in Paris and the spring and autumn in England and the larger continental cities ; and on two occasions she made professional tours to Naples, Milan, and other Italian cities. The French courts hav- ing in 1835 pronounced her marriage with M. Malibran void, she was married, March 29, 1836, to De Beriot, the celebrated violinist. In April following she was injured by a fall from her horse ; but professing to make light of the matter, she appeared in opera in Brussels and at Aix-la-Chapelle during the summer. In September she went to the Manchester musi- cal festival, and, contrary to the advice of her physician, took part in the performances. A nervous fever set in, which soon proved fatal. Mme. Malibran was one of the first singers of the age, and her dramatic ability was scarce- ly less remarkable than her vocal. Her voice, a mezzo-soprano approaching a contralto, of great volume and purity, had been brought to almost absolute perfection by the severe train- ing of her father ; and in the variety and beau- ty of her vocal embellishments, as well as in the felicity and dramatic propriety with which she interpreted her music, she has rarely been equalled. Her range included some of the finest roles, both tragic and comic, in the ope- ras of Rossini, Bellini, and Mozart, including those of Rosina, Semiramide, Tancredi, Desde- mona, Romeo, Zerlina, Ninetta, Cenerentola, and Amina. She also sang with wonderful effect the sublime music of Handel's oratorios, and many choice selections from Gluck and others. Her personal qualities accorded with her lyrical genius, and few women have been more beloved for their amiability, generosity, and professional enthusiasm. Her benefac- tions amounted to such considerable sums that her friends were frequently obliged to interfere for the- purpose of regulating her finances. Her intellect was of a high order, and the charms of her conversation fascinated all who were admitted into the circle of her intimate friends. She was also an accom- plished linguist, speaking fluently and singing in the chief languages of Europe. She com- posed several songs, nocturnes, and romances, some of which have been published. A me- moir of her, by the countess of Merlin (2 vols.), appeared in England soon after her death, and was republished in the United States. MALINES. See MECHLIN. MALLARD. See DUCK. MALLET, Charles Aagnste, a French philoso- pher, born in Lille, Jan. 1, 1807. He studied at the normal school, and was professor in va- rious colleges of the interior till 1842, when he was called to the college St. Louis in Paris. From 1848 to 1850 he was inspector of the academy of Paris, and afterward rector of the academy of Rouen, retiring in 1852. His prin- cipal works are : Etudes pJiilosopMques (2 vols., Paris, 1837-'8 ; 2d ed., 1843) ; translation of Beattie's " Elements of Moral Science " (2 vols., 1840) ; Histoire de la pTiilosophie ioni- enne (1842) ; Histoire jde Vecole de Megare et des eooles tfElis et d'Eretrie (1845) ; and Ele- ments de morale (1864). MALLET, David, a Scottish author, born at Crieff, Perthshire, about 1700, died in London, April 21, 1765. His original name was Mai- loch, which he changed to Mallet in 1726. He was educated at Aberdeen, and settled in Lon- don as a literary man. In 1733 he published a poem entitled "Verbal Criticism," which so pleased Pope that he introduced him to Boling- broke, who obtained for him the office of under secretary to Frederick, prince of Wales, with a salary of 200. From the Newcastle adminis- tration he got a pension, said to have been the reward of his attacks on Admiral Byng. His pen was always at the service oi those who