Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XI.djvu/801

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MONTEVIDEO house is a miserable edifice. The old market, once the citadel of Montevideo, and a com- plete fortress in itself, is the most interesting relic of the colonial period ; it was erected by 2,000 Guarani Indians, who worked seven years without pay. It is now a sort of bazaar, and serves as a barrack for troops in revolu- tionary times. The custom house is a fine building of modern style, 900 by 300 ft. The post office is one of the best appointed in South America; and the average number of letters and papers passing through it annually is 2,000,000. Facing the post office are the mu- seum and the library, containing 3,653 vol- umes. The exchange, of modern construction, ranks among the finest public buildings on the southern continent; it cost $160,000. There are, besides the cathedral, six churches and chapels, several convents, and an Episcopal and a Methodist church. The educational es- tablishments comprise a university, schools for medicine, law, and other sciences, 58 public and 54 private schools, with an aggregate at- tendance of 10,048. The institute of public instruction is a sort of volunteer committee for the diffusion of useful knowledge. There are four large markets, six banks, savings banks, numerous clubs, mercantile associations, three theatres, a bull ring, and several ball and con- cert rooms. An immigrants' asylum affords adequate protection to thousands every year. The total number of immigrants landed at ~ "ontevideo in 1836 was 5,000 ; in 1858, 8,359 ; 1868, 17,381 ; and in 1872, 20,000, probably eluding many who afterward proceeded to Buenos Ayres. The city has several prisons and a house of correction for females called los ejercicios. Besides the public hospitals, there are charitable institutions under the di- rection of the sisters of mercy, an orphan ylum, a home for the poor, and a lunatic asylum. There are three cemeteries, one of which is British. The city is the cleanest and healthiest in South America; and the suburbs, watering places, and surrounding country are extremely picturesque. The bay of Montevideo resembles a horse shoe in shape ; it is about 4 m. long and 2 m. broad, but has only from 14 to 19 ft. of water, having diminished 5 ft. since the beginning of this century; but the bottom is soft, and vessels receive no damage by ground- ing. It can conveniently anchor 500> ships drawing 15 ft. ; but it is open to the- S. S. W. winds. All vessels receive and discharge their cargoes by means of launches. There are two dry docks with every facility for repair- ing ships. The trade of Montevideo is very considerable. The exports consist chiefly of salt beef, hides, hair, tallow, wool, bones, bone ashes, &c. ; copper is brought overland from Chili and sometimes shipped here, as well as mate or Paraguay tea. The principal imports are cottons, woollens, hardware, flour, wine, spirits, sugar, tobacco, salt, boots, &c. The imports from the United States are flour, chairs, refined sugar, whiskey, cordage, agri- 571 VOL. XL 50 MONTEZUMA 783 YEARS. Exports. Imports. 1870... $12 779 051 $15 008 842 1871 13 834 824 1872 15 489 582 18 850 724 cultural implements, &c., and chiefly lumber from New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. Sugar, coffee, mate 1 , and spices are brought from Brazil ; and three fourths of the manu- factured goods, hardware, and machinery come from Europe. A large trade in wool, hair, &c., also exists between Montevideo and the United States. The value of the exports and imports for three years was as follows : The value of the imports for 1873 was esti- mated at $22,500,000. The custom-house re- ceipts in 1872 amounted to $6,417,812, and in 1873 to $6,478,209. The port movements for the same year were : entered, 1,817 vessels, tonnage 877,058; cleared, 1,839, tonnage 898,- 907. About 60 of the vessels were under the United States flag, and 253 were British steam- ers. Six British mail steamers visit the port monthly, besides four French packets, three Italian, two Brazilian, and one Anglo-Belgian. The coasting trade averages 2,000 entries an- nually. The city is connected by railway with Florida, 72 m. distant ; a branch line to Colo- ma was to be commenced in 1874 ; and a line eastward was in course of preparation. Four lines of street horse cars are in operation. Montevideo is in telegraphic communication with Buenos Ayres, the chief towns of the in- terior, and the Brazilian system. The com- mercial and industrial establishments number 5,663, comprising 3 steam saw mills, 8 found- eries, 93 factories, 13 tanneries, 52 brick kilns, 7 steam flour mills, and 9 abattoirs, in which last upward of 300,000 head of cattle are slaughtered yearly. Montevideo (or with its full name, San Felipe de Montevideo) was founded in 1717 by the viceroy Lavala; but it remained a mere military outpost till 1726, when Francisco Alzeibar introduced the first settlers from the Canaries. In 1778 it was by royal decree declared a port, and its population and commerce rapidly increased. The city was fortified by the Spaniards in 1777. In February, 1807, it was besieged and taken by the British, who were expelled in July. After the independence of the Plate Provinces in 1811, the Brazilians seized it, but were forced to surrender it after a long siege in 1814. They retook it in 1817; and in 1828 it regained its independence by treaty, and was made the capital of Uruguay. (See UEUGTJAY.) MONTEZ, Lola. See LOLA MONTEZ. MONTEZUMA (Mex. Monctepumatin, the sad or severe man), the name of two emperors of ancient Mexico. Monteznma I., born about 1390, died in 1464. He served as general un- der his uncle, who preceded him on the throne. After his accession in 1436 or 1438 he made war upon the kingdom of Chalco in defence of