Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIII.djvu/12

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n CONTRIBUTORS TO THE THIRTEENTH VOLUME Prof. FBEDEEICK H. HEDGE, D. D., Harvard University. PAUL, SAINT. M. HEILPBIN. POLAND. POLAND, LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE OF. CHABLES L. HOGEBOOM, M. D. PALLADIUM. PHOSPHORESCENCE. PHOSPHORUS. PLATINUM. POTASSIUM. POTTERY AND PORCELAIN (manufacture). W. H. HUNTIXGTON, Paris, France. PARIS. ROSSITEE JOHNSON. PHILLIPS, WENDELL, POLLOK, ROBERT, and other articles ia biography and geography. Prof. C. A. JOY, Ph. D., Columbia College, New York. PARAFFINE, PICRIC ACID, POTASH, and other chemical articles. Prof. A. C. KENDEIOK, D. D., Rochester Uni- versity. PLATO. Prof. S. KNEELAND, M. D., Mass. Inst. of Technology, Boston. PARROT, PARTRIDGE, PHILOSOPHICAL ANATOMY, PLANARIANS, POLYP, PORCUPINE, and other articles in zoology. Rev. SAMUEL LOOKWOOD, Ph. D., Freehold, N. J. PETERS, CHRISTIAN HENRY FREDERICK. Prof. BENJAMIN W. MCCEEADY, M. D., Belle- vue Hospital Medical College, New York. PLAGUE. PLEURISY. PNEUMONIA. JAMES E. MTJNSON. PHONOGRAPHY. Rev. FBANKLIN NOBLE. PHELPS, AUSTIN, PIIELPB, ELIZABETH STUART (two), PlSGAH, and other articles in biography and geography. FEEDEEICK LAW OLMSTED. PARK. Rev. BEENAED O'REILLY, D. D. PASSAGLIA, CARLO, PAUL, Popes, PERRONE, GIOVANNI, Pius, Popes, and other articles in ecclesiastical history. Prof. S. F. PECKHAM, University of Minnesota. PEAT. PETROLEUM. PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. Count L. F. DE POUETALES, Museum of Com- parative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. POLAR SEAS (geography). WILLIAM C. PEIME. POTTERY AND PORCELAIN (history). RICHARD A. PROCTOE, A.M., London. PARALLAX, PLANET, PRECESSION OP THE EQUINOXES, and other astronomical articles. Prof. A. RAUSCHENBUSCH, D. D., Rochester Theological Seminary. PEASANTS' WAR. Prof. C. V. RILEY, State Entomologist, St. Louis, Mo. PHYLLOXERA. POTATO BUG. HENEY M. ROBEET, Major of Engineers, U. S. A., Milwaukee, Wis. PARLIAMENTARY LAW AND PRIVILEGES (in part). Prof. OGDEN N. ROOD, Ph. D., Columbia Col- lege, New York. PENDULUM, HORIZONTAL. F. B. SANBOEN, Concord, Mass. PAUPERISM. Prof. A. J. SCHEM. PELAGIUS, PENTATEUCH, PLYMOUTH BRETHREN, and other articles in biography and history. J. W. SCOTT. POSTAGE STAMPS. J. G. SHEA, LL. D. PAWNEES, PEQUOTS, POTTAWATTAMIES, and other articles on American Indians. WILLIAM GILMOEE SIMMS, LL. D., Charleston, S. C. PICKENS, ANDREW. PICKENS, FRANCIS W. PINCKNEY, Family of. Prof. J. A. SPENCEE, D. D., College of the City of New York. PEARSON, JOHN. POTTER, ALONZO. POTTER, HORATIO. Rev. WILLIAM L. SYMONDS, Portland, Me. PHILOSOPHY (in part). Prof. GEOEGE THUEBEE. PALM, PASSION FLOWER, PEACH, PINE, PITCHER PLANTS, PLANT, and other botanical articles. Prof. G. A. F. VAN RHYN, Ph. D. PAPUAN RACE AND LANGUAGES, PHOENICIA, PHONETICS, POMPEII, and other archaeological, oriental, and philological I. DE YEITELLE. PANAMA, PARAGUAY, PATAGONIA, PERU, PORTUGAL, PORTUGAL, LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE OF, and other geographical articles. Major W. T. WALTHALL, Mobile, Ala. PENSACOLA. PENSACOLA BAY. Rev. JOHN WEISS, Milton, Mass. PAUKER, THEODOEE. S. R. WELLS. PHRENOLOGY. C. S. WEYMAN. PEEL, Sir ROBERT (two). PERCIVAL, JAMES GATES. PORTUGAL, WINES OF. Prof. W. D. WHITNEY, LL. D., Yale College, New Haven, Conn. PERSIA, LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE OF. Gen. JAMES HAEEISON WILSON. PARROTT, ROBERT PARKER.