Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIV.djvu/328

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312 RICHAED I. back to Pontigny. He was canonized by In- nocent IV. in 1246. (See PILGRIMAGE, and PONTIGNY.) Among his works are : " Consti- tutions " in 36 canons, extant in, among other collections, Labbe's editions of the councils ; Speculum Ecclesice, published in vol. iii. of the Bibliotheca Patrum ; and several manuscript treatises on moral subjects, preserved in the Bodleian library. A manuscript life of St. Edmund, by his brother Robert, is preserved in the Cottonian collection ; another by Ber- trand, his secretary and companion in exile and afterward prior of Pontigny, was published in Martenne's Thesauru* Anecdotorum. RICHARD I., surnamed CCEUR DE LION (the lion-hearted), second king of England of the line of Plantagenet, born in Oxford, Sept. 13, 1157, died near Limoges, France, April 6, 1199. He was the second son of Henry II. and Eleanor of Aquitaine-, and great-grandson in the female line of Henry I. He became cel- ebrated for his proficiency in arms and his fondness for music and poetry. He engaged with his brothers Henry and Geoffrey in a revolt against Henry II. before he had com- pleted his 16th year, and fled to France, where he was knighted by Louis VII. Claiming Aquitaine and Poitou, ho was compelled to give way before his father, to whom he sur- rendered, and by whom he was forgiven. He was then known as the count of Poitou, but claimed to be duke of Aquitaine, and having distinguished himself in the war against the rebels there, the duchy was ceded to him by his father. The last rebellion in Aquitaine was aided by Richard's brother Henry, whose death brought it to an end, and made Richard heir apparent. The king then desired that Richard should give up Aquitaine to his broth- er John, which he refused to do, and by their father's orders John and Geoffrey ravaged his territories, which Richard punished by inva- ding Brittany, of which Geoffrey was ruler. Richard subsequently surrendered Aquitaine to his mother, but it was shortly after restored to him, and by his father's orders he entered upon a successful war with the count of Tou- louse. After a violent but brief rupture with his father, caused by his intimacy with Philip Augustus, Richard took the cross in the third crusade ; but in spite of his vow he had to re- new the war with the count of Toulouse. He also took part in the next contest between Henry and Philip ; but a report prevailing that his father intended to exclude him from the succession, and confer the crown upon Prince John, Richard did homage to Philip for his English territories in France. In the war that followed, Philip and Richard were victorious, and dictated terms to Henry, who soon after died of mortification, July 6, 1189, cursing his sons. Richard was present at his burial, and was greatly affected. He was crowned at "Westminster, Sept. 3. The people having risen against the Jews on the occasion of his coronation, he protected them. In the sum- mer of 1190 the French and English armies destined for the crusade, under their respec- tive kings, met on the plains of Vezelay, on the borders of Burgundy, 100,000 strong, and in September arrived in Sicily, where they passed the autumn and winter. This led to much trouble, Richard becoming involved in quarrels with the king of Sicily and his sub- jects, in which the French favored the latter. While they were at Messina a treaty was made which set Richard free from his be- trothal to Philip's sister Alice, and enabled him to arrange for his marriage with Beren- garia, daughter of Sancho, king of Navarre, ' who arrived in Sicily in company with his mother. Leaving Messina in April, 1191, his fleet encountered rough weather ; some of his ships were wrecked on the coast of Cyprus, and their crews were inhospitably treated by the ruler of that island, Isaac Comnenus, who endeavored to get possession of the persons of Berengaria and of Richard's sister Joan, dowager- queen of Sicily. Richard conquered the island in. a fortnight, and made Isaac a perpetual prisoner. While at Cyprus he mar- ried Berengaria. On June 4 he sailed for Acre, capturing a Saracenic ship on his way. He found the French king at Acre, and that rival- ry which defeated the object of the crusaders soon broke out, Philip favoring the faction of Conrad of Montferrat, while Richard supported Guy of Lusignan. Philip wished to assault Acre immediately, to which Richard objected, as all his troops had not arrived, and he was himself suffering from the pestilence that was raging in the Christian host. Philip made the attack, and was beaten. During his illness Rich- ard is said to have received many courtesies from their enemy, Sultan Saladin. He slowly recovered, and the siege was prosecuted, every attempt of Saladin to relieve the place failing. Acre was surrendered on July 12, and soon afterward Philip sailed for France. On Aug. 20 Richard caused his Saracen prisoners to be butchered, because the terms of the surrender of Acre had not been fulfilled ; and the next day he began his march toward Jerusalem, suffering much from the active operations of the light troops of Saladin. He completely de- feated the Saracens at Arsnf Sept. 7, and took Jaffa; and after much opposition from his as- sociates, he proceeded with a portion of the crusading force to Ascalon, which he reached in January, 1192, and where he was joined by most of the French troops. He rebuilt the walls, and hoped to invest Jerusalem ; but the renewed dissensions of the Christians marred his plans. The news from England, too, re- quired that he should return home. Still he adhered to the purpose of the crusade, and made arrangements to proceed to Jerusalem, but Saladin had so fortified that city that it was considered impregnable. Richard returned to Acre in July, and was about to embark for England, when he heard that Jaffa was in danger of falling into the hands of the Sara-