Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIV.djvu/377

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ROBIN HOOD ROBINSON 361 include Du microscope et des injections dans leur application d Vanatomie et a la patholo- gie (8vo, 1849 ; 2d ed., 1870) ; Tableaux d'ana- tomie (4to, 1851); Traite de chimie anato- mique et physiologique, normale ou patholo- gique, written by him jointly with Verdeil (3 vols. 4to, with atlas, 1853); Histoire naturelle des vegetaux parasites (8vo, 1853) ; Anatomie microscopique (1868) ; and a series of Lecons on special subjects (1866-7). With Littr he recast successive editions of Nysten's Diction- naire de medecine, and the 12th edition (1865) so thoroughly that at the request of Nysten's widow the tribunal of the Seine decided in 1866 to strike out her husband's name as its author. ROBIN HOOD. See HOOD, K<>m.. ROBINIi. See LOCUST. ROBINSON. I. Edward, an American Biblical scholar, born at Southington, Conn., April 10, 1794, died in New York, Jan. 27, 1863. He graduated at Hamilton college, Clinton, N. Y., in 1816, and served for a year as tutor there. In 1821 he went to Andover, Mass., to procure the printing of an edition of the first six books of the Iliad, which he had prepared. While there he assisted Prof. Stuart in his Hebrew grammar and translations from the German, and was finally appointed assistant instructor. From 1826 to 1830 he studied and travelled in Europe, and on his return was appointed pro- fessor extraordinary of sacred literature at Andover, which chair he resigned in 1833 and removed to Boston. In 1837 he was appoint- ed professor of Biblical literature in the Union theological seminary in New York. Before entering upon this office he visited Palestine, of which, in company with the Rev. Dr. Eli Smith, he made a minute .survey, and pub- lished " Biblical Researches in Palestine, and in the Adjacent Countries, a Journal of Travels in the Year 1838 " (3 vols. 8vo, Halle, Lon- don, and Boston, 1841). He entered upon his professorship in 1840, and held it till his death. In 1852 he again visited Palestine, and published the results of this tour in 1856 ("Later Researches," 1 vol. 8vo), with a re- vision of his previous researches (3d ed. of the complete work, 3 vols., London, 1867). He was a member of the American geographi- cal, oriental, and ethnological societies. He received the degree of D. D. from Dartmouth college in 1831 and from the university of Halle in 1842, and that of LL. D. from Yale college in 1844. In addition to the works above enumerated, he published a translation of Buttmann's Greek grammar (Andover, 1832 ; new translation from the 18th German ed., New York, 1850) ; "A Greek and English Lexicon of the New Testament" (Boston, 1836 ; new ed., entirely rewritten, New York, 1850) ; " The Harmony of the Four Gospels," in Greek (Boston, 1845), and in English (1846) ; and a memoir of his father, the Rev. William Robinson (1859). His " Physical Geography of the Holy Land" was published posthumous- ly (8vo, Boston, 1865). He edited from 1831 to 1834 the " Biblical Repository," a theologi- cal quarterly, subsequently united with the u Bibliotheca Sacra," which he established and edited for one year in New York. He also edi- ted Calrnet's "Biblical Dictionary" and oth- er works, and published several revisions of his translation of Gesenius's Hebrew lexicon. See his " Life, Character, and Writings," by Henry B. Smith, D. D., and Roswell D. Hitch- cock, D. I). (New York, 1864). After his death his library was purchased for Hamilton college. II. Therese Albertine Louise von Jakob, wife of the preceding, born in Halle, Germany, Jan. 26, 1797, died in Hamburg, April 13, 1869. In 1807 she accompanied her father (see JAKOB, LUDWIG HEINRICH VON) to Russia, where she studied the Slavic languages and literature, and wrote her first poems. In 1816 she returned with her father to Halle, and in 1822 published, under the signature of Ernst Berthold, translations of Scott's " Old Mortali- ty " and "The Black Dwarf." She wrote a few tales, which were published in 1825 under the title of "Psyche," and others appeared un- der the signature of " Talvj " (Talvi), formed from the initial letters of her maiden name. She translated a number of poems from the Servian language, which were published under the title of VolTcslieder der Serben (2 vols., Halle, 1825-'6). In 1828 she was married to Prof. Robinson, and in 1830 accompanied him to America. Here she translated into German Mr. John Pickering's work on the Indian tongues of North America (Leipsic, 1834). In 1834 she wrote for the " Biblical Repository" a " Historical View of the Slavic Languages," which was revised and published as " Histori- cal View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations, with a Sketch of their Popular Poetry" (1850). During her hus- band's first visit to Palestine (1837-'40) she was in Germany, and published Versuch einer geschichtlichen CharaTcteristilc der Volkslieder germanischer Nationen (Leipsic, 1840), and UntersucJiung uber die AutJienticitat des Ossian (1840). After her return to New York she wrote a history of Capt. John Smith in Ger- man, followed by Die Colonisation von Neu England (Leipsic, 1847), of which work the younger Hazlitt made a translation into Eng- lish (2 vols., London, 1851). Her other works, originally published in Germany and trans- lated into English by her daughter, include " Heloise, or the UnreVealed Secret" (New York, 1850), "Life's Discipline, a Tale of the Annals of Hungary " (1851), and " The Exiles" (1853), republished in 1856 as " Woodhill, or the Ways of Providence." After the death of her husband she resided in Hamburg, where her son was American consul, and there con- tinued her literary activity. Her last work, "Fifteen Years, a Picture from the Last Cen- tury," has been published in this country since her death. ROBINSON, E/ekiel Gilman, an American cler- gyman, born at Attleborough, Mass., March 23,