Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIV.djvu/385

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ROCKINGHAM ROCKLAND 369 ter, and 29,457 of honey. There were 1,237 horses, 817 mules and asses, 2,722 milch cows, 3,082 other cattle, 4,759 sheep, and 12,474 swine; and 12 manufactories of chewing to- bacco. Capital, Wentworth. ROCKINGIIA9I, Charles Watson Wentworth, mar- quis of, an English statesman, born May 13, 1730, died July 1, 1782. Distinguished by wealth and character, he succeeded in 1765 George Grenville as first lord of the treasury and premier, and henceforth was the leader of the liberal branch of the aristocracy. Although his ministry contained members who had voted against the passage of the stamp act, it did not undertake to repeal it, but made preparations to execute it in all the colonies ; but this prov- ing impracticable, the repeal took place in March, 1766, accompanied by an act declaring the supreme power of parliament over America in all respects. Rockingham retired from the premiership on July 12, but resumed it in March, 1782, on the resignation of Lord North. ROCK ISLAM), a N. W. county of Illinois, separated from Iowa on the N. W. by the Mis- sissippi river, and intersected by Eock river; area, about 350 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 29,783. The surface is rolling and the soil very fertile. Coal and limestone occur in large quantities. Several railroads centre at the city of Rock Island. The chief productions in 1870 were 245,820 bushels of wheat, 1,459,653 of Indian corn, 276,575 of oats, 36,980 of barley, 192,531 of potatoes, 17,239 Ibs. of wool, 563,122 of butter, and 31,299 tons of hay. There were 7,985 horses, 7,471 milch cows, 12,877 other cattle, 5,667 sheep, and 26,625 swine; 7 manu- factories of agricultural implements, 10 of brick, 15 of carriages and wagons, 16 of cloth- ing, 12 of cooperage, 3 of iron castings, 7 of lime, 1 of paper, 18 of saddlery and harness, 2 of sash, doors, and blinds, 2 of woollens, 2 tan- ning and currying establishments, 2 distiller- ies, 4 breweries, 10 flour mills, and 10 saw mills. Capital, Rock Island. ROCK ISLAND, a city and the capital of Rock Island co., Illinois, on the Mississippi river, at the foot of the upper rapids, opposite Daven- port, Iowa, 3 m. above the mouth of Rock river, and 160 m. W. by S. of Chicago; pop. in 1850, 1,711 ; in 1860, 5,130; in 1870, 7,890; in 1875, estimated by local authorities at 12,000. It is opposite the W. extremity of Rock island, from which it derives its name. This island, the property of the United States, is 3 m. long, covering 960 acres, is well timbered, and has graded avenues and handsome drives. During and previous to the Black Hawk war it was the site of Fort Armstrong, a series of block houses, and during the civil war an extensive prison for the detention of confederate prison- ers of war was situated upon it. Here is the Rock Island arsenal and armory, intended to be the central United States armory. The de- sign embraces ten immense stone workshops, with a storehouse in the rear of each, besides officers' quarters, magazines, offices, &c. Four of the workshops are already completed (1875). The shops will be supplied with motive power from the Moline water power, three fourths of which is owned by the government. The main channel of the Mississippi is N. of the island. Across the S. channel, from the upper end of the island to Moline, 111., a dam has been con- structed by the United States government, af- fording extensive water power. The Moline water power is 2 m. E. of the city of Rock Isl- and ; the Milan water power in Rock river, 3 m. S. of it. Rock Island is the headquarters of the Rockford, Rock Island, and St. Louis railroad, the S. W. terminus of the Western Union railroad, the "W. terminus of the Peoria and Rock Island railroad, and a station on the Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific, and the Chi- cago and Southwestern railroads, which here cross the Mississippi on the railroad and wagon bridge built by the government in connection with the arsenal. The railroads and river af- ford excellent facilities for shipment, and the abundant water power gives ample opportuni- ty for manufactures. The principal establish- ments are a plough and cultivator factory, a stove foundery, a window-glass establishment, a cotton factory, three lumber mills, and three breweries. There are three national banks, a private bank, four large public school buildings, four denominational schools, two newspapers with daily and weekly editions, and 13 church- es, viz. : African Christian, Baptist, Christian, Episcopal, German Lutheran, Methodist, Pres- byterian (2), Roman Catholic (2), Swedish Baptist, Swedish Lutheran, and United Pres- byterian. Augustana college, a Swedish Lu- theran institution, is situated here. ROCKLAND, a S. E. county of New York, bordered E. by the Hudson river and S. W. by New Jersey, and drained by the Hackensack and Ramapo rivers and several smaller streams; area, 208 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 25,213. It has a rough and mountainous surface, the highest summits having an elevation of 1,000 ft., and the soil is fertile. Red sandstone is extensively quarried, and immense quantities of lime and brick are made. Rockland lake, about m. from the Hudson, and 160 ft. above the river, is noted for its yield of ice. The county is intersected by the Erie and Northern New Jer- sey railroads. The chief productions in 1870 were 12,944 bushels of rye, 57,046 of Indian corn, 30,781 of oats, 11,987 of buckwheat, 85,- 694 of potatoes, 11,188 tons of hay, and 144,588 Ibs. of butter. There were 1,604 horses, 2,271 milch cows, and 1,420 swine; 5 manufactories of boots and shoes, 34 of brick, 1 of cotton thread and twine, 1 of gold leaf and foil, 4 of iron castings, 2 of machinery, 4 of brick and stone, 1 of wooden ware, 1 of woollen goods, and 1 brewery. Capital, New City. ROCKLAND, a city and the county seat of Knox co., Maine, on the W. side of Penobscot bay, at the terminus of the Knox and Lincoln railroad, 40 m. S. E. of Augusta, and 50 m. S. S. W. of Bangor; pop. in 1870, 7,074. The har-