Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIV.djvu/503

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RUSSIA 479 storms, called viuga. In general, the climate is healthy. The official census in Russia is taken once in nine years, and the last was in 1867. More recent estimates of the popula- tion of portions of the Russian possessions have been made for 1870, 1871, and 1872, and printed in the St. Petersburg " Calendar " (1875) and other publications. The following tables of areas and population are from Behm and Wagner's Bewlkerung der Erde, annexed to Petermann's Geographische Mittheilungen for 1875. The areas are Strelbitzki's recent calculations approved by the government and dated 1875. They include the newly acquired Transcaspian province and the Amoo Darya district organized in 1874, with the areas and population of that year. The populations here given in Russia proper, Poland, Siberia, and Central Asia are for 1870; in the Caucasus for 1871 ; and in Finland for 1872. The Russian empire is divided into governments (and a few divisions differently designated), the area (in- cluding inland waters) and population of each of which are estimated as follows : GOVERNMENTS. Area in tq. m. Population. KCSSIA PROPER. 1 . Archangel 831,503 281,112 2. Astrakhan 86 6(18 601,514 8. Bessarabia 14,046 1,078 982 4. Courland 10,587 619,154 6. Don Cossack territory 61,911 1,086.264 6. Esthonia 7,818 823,961 7. Grodno 14,965 1,008,521 8. Kaluga 11 988 996 252 9. Kazan 24,600 1,704,624 10. Kharkov 21 040 1 698 015 11. Kherson 27,522 1,596,809 12. Kiev 19,686 2,175,132 18. Kostroma 82,700 1 176 097 14. Kovno 15,692 1,156,041 15. Kursk 17,936 1,954,807 16. Livonia 18158 1 000 876 17. Minsk 85,272 1.182 230 18. Mohilev 18,550 947,625 19. Moscow 12 857 1 772 624 20, Kizhegorod 19,795 1,271,564 21. Novgorod 47,284 1,011,445 22. Olonetz 67,480 296 392 28. Orel 18,040 1.596,881 24. Orenburg 78,885 900,547 25. Penza 14,996 1,178 186 26. Perm 128246 2 19S 666 27. Podolia 16222 1 933 1S8 28. Poltava 1,2G4 2,102,614 29. Pskov 17068 775 701 80. Riazan 16253 1 477 488 81. St. Petersburg 20,760 1825471 82. Samara 60197 1 837 081 83. Saratov 82,622 1 751 268 84. Simbirsk 19108 1 205 881 85. Smolensk 21 687 1 140 015 86. Tambov 25,688 2,150 971 87. Taurida 24537 704997 88. Tchernigov 20 231 1 659 600 89. Tula 11 955 1 167878 40. Tver 25 228 1 528 881 41. Ufa ! 47081 1 864 925 42. Viatka 69 114 2 406 024 43. Vitebsk 17488 888727 44. Vladimir 18862 1 259 928 45. Volhynia 27788 1 704,018 46. Vologda 155 498 1,008,089 47. Voronezh 25,487 2,152,696 48. Wilna 16411 1,001,909 49. Yaroslav 18,750 1,000,748 50. Yekaterinoslav 26146 1,352,300 Total Russia proper (inclu- ) ding inland waters) | 1,881,216 65,704,559 GOVERNMENTS. Are* in q. m. Population. POLAND. 1. Kalisz 4392 669 261 2. Kielce 8 8U7 518 780 8. Lomza 4,667 48') 699 4. Lublin 6501 5. Piotrk6w... 4,729 gs2 496 6. Plock 4,200 7. Radom 4,769 8. Siedlce 6684 604 606 9. Suwalki 4,646 524 489 10. Warsaw 6622 'J'2 r i * WJ Total Poland 49157 6 026 421 Total Russia in Europe with | Poland ) 1,944,615 71,780,980 FINLAND. 1. Abo-Bjorneborg 9882 806381 2. Kuopio 16498 226 180 8. Nyland 45S4 178 141 4. St. Michael 8819 159848 5. Tavastehuus 8824 198 477 6. Uleaborg 68965 186 890 7. Vasa 16 146 810 937 8. Viborg 16611 276884 Total Finland 144,269 1 832 188 THE CAUCASUS. 1. Stavropol 26684 487118 2. Kuban 87169 672 224 8. Terek 282C8 485 287 4. Daphestan 11 520 449 299 5. Zakatal 1 620 66802 6. Tiflis 15614 606584 7. Baku 16151 eis'seo 8. Elisabethpol 17117 629 412 9. Erivan 10663 462001 10. Kutais 7,995 605691 11. Sukhum 8882 70701 12. Tchernoinore 2749 15708 Total Caucasus 172887 4 893 882 SIBERIA. 1. Littoral province (Pacific) 2. Amoor 781,917 178.554 45,000 44,400 8. Transbaikal 240,772 480780 4. Irkutsk 809,180 878244 5. Yakutsk 1,517,077 281,977 6. Yeniseisk 992888 872 862 7. Tomsk 829 027 888756 8. Tobolsk 581,964 1,086,848 Total Siberia 4 826 829 8,428,867 CENTRAL ASIA. Kirghiz Territories. 1. A kinolinsk 210,558 881,900 2 Semlpolatinsk 188298 610,168 8. Turgai 202,186 289,980 4 Uralsk 141 469 846.715 5 Transcaspian province 126,282 275,000 Turkistan. 1 . Semirietchensk 155,292 648,094 2. K ul.ja 27,496 114,887 8 Sir Darya 165,998 848,489 4. Zerafshan 19,666 271.000 89,957 2-20,000 Total Central Asia... 1.277,196 8,800,628 RECAPITULATION. Russia in Europe Poland, Kingdom of Finland, Grand Duchy of. . The Caucasus Siberia Central Asia Grand total 8,851,004 1.881,216 49,157 144,269 172,887 4,826,829 1,277,196 65,704,559 6,026,421 1.682,188 4.898,882 8,428,867 8,800,628 85,685,945 715 VOL. XIV. 31 Russia proper is divided by geographers into Great Russia, embracing the central and north- ern governments (the latter also designated