Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIV.djvu/551

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SAINT CLAIR 527 ft. The skirts of the mountains, the higher parts of which are wooded, together with the valley of Basseterre, form the arable portion of the island, and are devoted mainly to sugar. The government consists of a president, an ex- ecutive council appointed by the crown, and a legislative assembly, half of whose members are elected. Nevis has been recently united with St. Christopher for the purposes of ex- ecutive government. In 1869 the imports were valued at 198,712 ; exports, 222,712. Capital, Basseterre. St. Christopher was set- tled by English colonists under Sir Thomas Warner in 1623, was held afterward by the lish and French, and finally was ceded to reat Britain by the treaty of Versailles in 1783. In 1872 it joined the confederation of the Leeward Islands, the legislature of which sits at St. John's, Antigua, and Basseterre in alternate years. SAINT CLAIR, a lake lying between Michigan and Ontario, Canada, 30 m. long, with a mean breadth of 12 in., at its widest part 20 m. ; area, 360 sq. m. ; mean depth, 20 ft. It is 6 ft. higher than Lake Erie, which, according to J. T. Gardner's calculations (United States survey reports, 1873), is 573 ft. above the sea. Through St. Clair river, about 40 m. long and m. wide (which forms a part of the boundary between the United States and British Ameri- ca), it receives the waters of Lakes Huron, Superior, and Michigan, which it discharges through the Detroit river into Lake Erie. SAINT CLAIR. I. A N. E. county of Alabama, bounded E. and S. E. by Coosa river; area, about 700 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 9,360, of whom 2,065 were colored. It is mountainous, and has large forests of oak and other timber and a good soil. Extensive beds of bituminous coal are worked. It is traversed by the Alabama and Chattanooga railroad. The chief produc- tions in 1870 were 29,778 bushels of wheat, 157,268 of Indian corn, 7,895 of oats, l,2931bs. of tobacco, 4,451 of wool, 1,244 bales of cot- ton, and 3,547 gallons of molasses. There were 970 horses, 452 mules and asses, 1,621 milch cows, 622 working oxen, 1,922 other cattle, 3,578 sheep, and 8,775 swine. Capital, Ashville. II. An E. county of Michigan, lying on Lake Huron, St. Clair river, and Lake St. Clair, which separate it from Canada, drained by Bell and Black rivers, and traversed by sev- eral railroads ; area, about 900 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 36,661. The surface is rolling, and much of it is heavily timbered with pine and other trees. The soil is fertile in the south and sandy in the north and west. The chief productions in 1870 were 224,242 bushels of wheat, 102,066 of Indian corn, 368,034 of oats, 210,848 of po- tatoes, 39,477 tons of hay, 128,020 Ibs. of wool, 663,610 of butter, and 46,660 of hops. There were 6,398 horses, 8,014 milch cows, 9,922 other cattle, 32,587 sheep, and 9,438 swine; 19 manufactories of carriages and wagons, 13 of clothing, 8 of iron castings, 10 of tanned and curried leather, 3 of machinery, 5 of sash, 718 VOL. xiv. 34 doors, and blinds, 1 of woollen goods, 6 flour mills, 20 saw mills, and 7 breweries. Capital, Port Huron. III. A S. W. county of Illinois, lying on the Mississippi river, opposite St. Louis, drained by Kaskaskia river and Caho- kia, Silver, and Richland creeks, and intersect- ed by several railroads; area, 630 sq. in. ; pop. in 1870, 51,068. The surface is undulating and the soil very fertile. Along the Mississippi are rich coal mines. The chief productions in 1870 were 1,565,071 bushels of wheat, 1,423,121 of Indian corn, 476,851 of oats, 48,192 of barley, 265,169 of potatoes, 10,438 tons of hay, 5,347 Ibs. of wool, 336,362 of butter, and 44,711 gallons of wine. There were 8,457 horses, 2,565 mules and asses, 6,338 milch cows, 4,616 other cattle, 3,782 sheep, and 29,785 swine; 36 manufactories of agricultural implements, 14 of brick, 61 of carriages and wagons, 21 of cooperage, 10 of cabinet furniture, 3 of wrought iron, 3 of castings, 4 of machinery, 4 of malt, 1 of vegetable oil, 1 distillery, 14 breweries, 3 planing mills, 4 saw mills, 18 flour mills, and 2 woollen mills. Capital, Belleville. IV. A W. county of Missouri, intersected by Osage river and drained by Sac river ; area, 650 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 6,742, of whom 152 were colored. The surface is varied, partly prairie and partly timber, and the soil tolerably fertile. It is trav- ersed by the Sedalia division of the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas railroad. The chief produc- tions in 1870 were 35,060 bushels of wheat, 200,368 of Indian corn, 56,186 of oats, 3,766 tons of hay, 2,410 Ibs. of tobacco, and 10,376 of wool. There were 2,284 horses, 2,137 milch cows, 5,204 other cattle, 5,773 sheep, and 8,433 swine. Capital, Osceola. SAINT CLAIR, a borough of Schuylkill co., Pennsylvania, on both sides of Mill creek (crossed by several bridges), a tributary of the Schuylkill river, and on the Philadelphia and Reading railroad, 3 m. N. of Pottsville ; pop. in 1870, 5,726. It is on level ground, surrounded by hills under which are inexhaustible beds of anthracite. It is supplied with pure water from a large reservoir among the mountains 5 m. to the north. On the border the lar- gest coal works in the world are in course of erection, to be completed in two or three years. Here the Primrose vein, 13 ft. thick, has been struck at a depth of 1,600 ft. Tunnelling for the Mammoth vein, which is expected to be from 40 to 50 ft. thick, is to begin at once (1875). The borough contains a blast furnace, a shovel factory, a manufactory of squibs (used in blasting), three public school buildings, a weekly newspaper, and 11 churches. SAINT CLAIR, a city of St. Clair co., Michi- gan, on the St. Clair river, at the mouth of Pine river, 45 m. N. N. E. of Detroit ; pop. in 1879, 1,790; in 1874, 2,003. A branch of the Canada Southern railway terminates at Court- right on the Canada side of the river. The Michigan Midland and Canada railroad extends W. to Ridgeway on the Grand Trunk railway. St. Clair contains two saw mills, an exten-