Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIV.djvu/562

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538 SAINT JOHNSBURY SAINT JOSEPH sheep, and 381 swine. The parish has rail- road communication with New Orleans. Cap- ital, Edgard. SAINT JOHXSBl'RY, a town and the county seat of Caledonia co., Vermont, on the Pas- eumpsic river, and on the Portland and Og- densburg and the Connecticut and Passumpsic Rivera niilroads, 38 m. E. N. E. of Montpelier ; pop. in 1850, 2,758; in 1860, 3,469; in 1870, 4,665. It contains three villages, St. Johns- bury, St. Johnsbury Centre, and St. Johnsbury East. The first is much the largest, and has many neat residences and good public buildings. The court house is a fine structure, and in front is a soldiers' monument. The Athenaeum, also a fine building, contains a public reading room with a library of more than 10,000 volumes and a gallery of choice paintings and works of art. The principal educational institution be- sides the free public schools is the St. Johns- bury academy. The town has two national banks, a savings bank, two weekly newspapers, and 11 churches. There are iron founderies and manufactories of agricultural implements, &c. ; but the chief industrial feature is the ex- tensive manufactory of the " Fairbanks stan- dard scales," in St. Johnsbury village. The works occupy 15 acres and employ from 500 to 600 men ; annual value of products, more than $2,000,000. MI M JOHN'S RIVER. See FLORIDA. SAINT JOSEPH. I. A N. county of Indiana, bordering on Michigan, drained by the St. Joseph and Kankakee rivers, and traversed by several railroads ; area, 470 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 25,322. The surface is naarly level, and is divided about equally into oak openings, forests, and prairie. The chief productions in 1870 were 503,757 bushels of wheat, 233,045 of Indian corn, 76,846 of oats, 19,910 tons of hay, 55,506 Ibs. of wool, 352,577 of butter, and 61,024 of maple sugar. There were 5,700 horses, 5,587 milch cows, 6,197 other cattle, 16,639 sheep, and 13,560 swine; 6 manufac- tories of agricultural implements, 7 of brick, 15 of carriages and wagons, 3 of cutlery and edge tools, 15 of furniture, 3 of iron cast- ings, 5 of sash, doors, and blinds, 1 of sewing machine fixtures, 3 of woollen goods, 28 saw mills, 2 planing mills, and 9 flour mills. Capi- tal, South Bend. II. A S. W. county of Mich- igan, bordering on Indiana and drained by the St. Joseph, Portage, Prairie, Pigeon, and Fawn rivers ; area, about 650 sq. m. ; pop. in 1870, 26,275. The surface is rolling and the soil is very fertile. It is intersected by the Michi- gan Southern, Michigan Central, and other rail- roads. Large quantities of peppermint are raised in this county. The chief productions in 1870 were 756,428 bushels of wheat, 654,712 of Indian corn, 91, 184 of oats, 400,201 of pota- toes, 31,227 tons of hay, 203,223 Ibs. of wool, 483,104 of butter, and 14,780 gallons of sor- ghum molasses. There were 7,362 horses, 5,792 milch cows, 6,203 other cattle, 46,128 sheep, and 21,020 swine ; 10 manufactories of agricul- tural implements, 19 of carriages and wagons, 3 of furniture, 3 of iron castings, 10 of leather, 7 breweries, 20 saw mills, 6 flour mills, and 4 ship yards. Capital, Centreville. SAINT JOSEPH, a river of Michigan and In- diana, rises in Hillsdale co., Mich., and after making a circuit into northern Indiana returns into Michigan, and falls into Lake Michigan, at the village of St. Joseph, after a course of 250 m. -Its general direction is nearly W., but its course is serpentine. It is navigable for small steamboats to Constantine, 120 m. from its mouth, where is a good harbor. SAINT JOSEPH, a city and the county seat of Buchanan co., Missouri, on the great E. bend of the Missouri river, 260 in. W. by N. of St. Louis, and 390 m. W. S. W. of Chicago ; pop. in 1860, 8,932 ; in 1870, 19,565, of whom 1,512 were colored; in 1875, about 25,000. It has a court house erected in 1876 at a cost of $200,000, a handsome city hall and market house, a large convent, 17 church edifices, and several large hotels. The great iron bridge across the river at this point, for railway and ordinary travel, was built in 1873 by the city, at a cost of $710,000. One of the state luna- tic asylums is situated here ; it was erected in 1874 at a cost of $220,000, and has accommo- dations for 200 patients. The "Agricultural and Mechanical Exposition of St. Joseph " has extensive grounds and buildings, and holds an annual fair in September. Railway facilities have given St. Joseph its business importance. Five lines of railroad centre here, affording three separate and direct routes to St. Louis, three to Chicago and the east, three to Kansas City, one to Council Bluffs and Omaha, and one to Denver, viz. : the Kansas City, St. Jo- seph, and Council Bluffs ; Hannibal and St. Joseph; St. Louis, Kansas City, and North- ern ; St. Joseph and Denver City ; and St. Jo- seph and Topeka. The wholesale trade is the largest after San Francisco W. of St. Louis or Chicago, commanding the most productive agricultural portion of the far west; in 1874 it amounted to over $18,000,000. The city has seven banking institutions, two being sa- vings banks. It is the largest manufacturing point after San Francisco W. of the Mississip- pi, having five flouring mills, one large grain elevator, a starch factory with a capacity of 1,200 bushels of corn a day, two furniture fac- tories, a woollen mill, nine saddlery and harness establishments, two founderies and machine shops, two boot and shoe factories, four pork- packing establishments, which packed 108,000 hogs in 1874, twelve wagon factories, a glue factory, a distillery, and a tannery. The city has a graded public school system, with 15 schools, including a high school, 52 teachers, and 3,362 pupils. There are also several acad- emies and private schools, including St. Jo- seph college and several other Roman Catho- lic institutions. Three daily and four weekly newspapers are published, and there are two public libraries. The number of churches is