Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIV.djvu/567

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SAINT LOUIS 543 The principal articles of receipt and shipment are breadstuffs, live stock, provisions, cotton, lead (from the Missouri mines), hay, salt, wool, hides and pelts, lumber, tobacco, and grocer- ies. The trade in dry goods is also extensive. There are, including those in East St. Louis, six grain elevators and warehouses, five es- tablishments for storing and compressing cot- ton, and two stock yards. The movement of breadstuffs for ten years has been as follows : RECEIPTS. YEAR. Flour,

Wheat, buih. Corn, bush. Oats, bush. Rye, bath. Barley, bub. Total grain (redu- cing flour), bush. 1865 1,161,088 8,452,722 8,162,318 4,173,229 217,568 846,229 17 657 252 1866 1,208,726 4,410,805 7,283,071 8,567,000 875,417 548,796 22,079,072 1867 944,075 8,571,598 5,155,430 8,435,888 250,704 705,215 17 848 755 1868 805,s36 4,358,591 2,800,277 8,259,182 867,961 634,500 15,444,781 1869 1,210,555 6,736,454 2,895,718 8,461,844 266,056 757,600 20,170,442 1870 1,491,626 6,688,258 4,708,888 4,519,510 210,542 748,518 24,818,791 1871 1,428,408 7,811,910 6,030,784 4,858,099 874,386 876,217 26,098,886 1872 1,259,983 6,007,987 9,479,887 6,467,800 877,587 1,263,486 28,895,912 1878 1,296,457 6,185,083 7,701,187 5,859,853 356,580 1,153,615 27,248.558 1874... 1,638,898 8,255,221 6,991,677 5,296,967 288,743 1,421,406 30,678,504 SHIPMENTS. YEAR. Flour, bbli. Wheat, bush. Corn, bush. Oats, buih. Rye, buih. Barley, bush. Total grain (redu- cing flour), buib. 1865 1,521,465 62,860 2,591,588 8,088,864 81,455 50,000 18,427,052 1866 1,700,740 635,817 6,759,199 2,624,044 225,458 89.751 13,885,969 1867 1,450,475 821,883 4,818,987 2,244,756 56,076 55,720 14,243,752 1868 1,499,337 542,234 1,611,618 1,952,579 192,555 64,426 11,860,097 1869 2,172,761 1,715,005 1,298,863 2,104,002 110,947 57,134 16.148,756 1870 1,790,739 634,562 8,636,060 8,144,744 100,254 70,451 21,039,776 1871 2,676,525 1,048,532 4,469,849 2,484,582 138,756 62,848 21,587,187 1872 2,247 OW 918,477 8,029,789 8,464,594 150,208 87,566 23,885,784 1878 2,506,215 1,210,286 5,260,916 8,215,206 206,652 125,604 22,549,739 1874... 2.981.760 1.938.841 4.148,556 8,027,663 166,133 227.418 24,417.411 St. Louis is noted for the manufacture of flour, being in this respect the first city in the Union. There were 24 mills in operation in 1874. The production for ten years has been as follows : 1865, 743,281 bbls, ; 1866, 818,300 ; 1867, 765,- 298; 1868, 895,154; 1869, 1,068,592; 1870, 1,351,773; 1871, 1,507,915; 1872, 1,494,798; 1873, 1,420,287; 1874, 1,573,202. The move- ment of live stock and provisions for ten years was as follows : LIVE STOCK. RECEIPTS. Cattle. Sheep. Hogt. 1865 94,307 52,188 99,663 1866 108,259 64047 247 622 1867 74,146 62,974 298,241 1863 115,852 79,815 801,560 1869 124,565 96 626 844,843 1870 201,422 94,477 810,650 1871 199,527 118 899 638870 1872 263,404 115,904 759,076 1873 279,673 86,434 973,512 1874 860,925 114916 1 126,686 SHIPMENTS. Cattle. Sheep. Hop. 1865... 46712 8680 17869 1866 24,462 15,194 13 368 1867 26799 19022 28627 1868 87277 6415 16277 1869 59,867 12,416 89,076 1870 129 748 11 649 17156 1871 .... 180 018 87465 118,913 1872 164,870 29,540 118,700 1873 . . . 180662 18902 224873 1874 226,678 85,577 453,710 PROVISIONS. YEAR. RECEIPTS. Pork, bbli. Bacon and cut meat, Ibs. Lard, lln. 1865... 66,822 56,740 92,071 85,127 73,286 77.398 88,442 60,207 57,476 55,453 84,781,570 81,278,150 47,623,450 46,753,850 47,225,140 44,494,770 57,804,350 63,484,860 60,071,7(50 52,104,830 6,891,080 5.004,870 7,229.670 5,941,650 7,778,410 6,215,150 10,098,460 11,238,890 8,981,820 6,877,660 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1878 1874 YEAR. SHIPMENTS. Pork, bbls. Bacon and cut meat, Ibs. Lard, Ibs. 1865 109,702 92,595 188,226 180,268 120,002 115,236 131,782 114,829 105,876 90,848 64,910,870 49,897,050 70,095,130 58,229,270 75,755,450 77,501,180 128,666.060 147,141,9(50 184,892,770 183,486,880 9,569,880 7,462,280 14,818,210 12,945,490 18,822,900 15,507,840 80,760,470 88,943,860 87,156,810 27,112,270 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1878 1874 The number of hogs packed for a series of years has been as follows : 1869-'70, 241,316 ; 1870-'71, 305,600; 187l-'2, 419,032 ; 1872-'3, 538,000; 1873-'4, 463,793. The cotton trade has increased rapidly during the past few years. The receipts and shipments of cotton, together with the receipts and consumption of lead, for five years, are shown in the following table : 719 VOL. xiv. 35