Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIV.djvu/623

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SAN DIEGO 2ey, 9,250 Ibs. of wool, and 1,433 tons of hay. There were 5,687 horses, 1,268 milch cows, 20,347 other cattle, 16,443 sheep, and 1,683 swine. Capital, San Diego. SAN DIEGO, a city, port of entry, and the capital of San Diego co., California, on the N. E. shore of a bay of the same name, about 460 m. S. E. of San Francisco, and 15 m. N. of the Mexican border; lat. 32 44' 41" N., Ion. 117 8' W. ; pop. in 1870, 2,300; in 1874, about 4,000. It has one of the three good harbors on the Pacific coast of the United States, and has been fixed by act of congress as the western terminus of the Texas and Pa- cific railroad. Its climate is remarkably equa- ble and salubrious, the thermometer rarely rising to 80 F. or sinking to the freezing point. Many visit it as a health resort. The exports in 1874, consisting mainly of gold bullion, wool, wheat, flour, barley, hides, honey, wine, and olive oil, amounted to $2,000,000. There are four churches, two academies, two daily and two weekly newspapers, two banks, a fine court house, and a steam flouring mill. The city was laid out in' 1868. North San Diego, a small hamlet 4 m. N. of the city proper, was the first place settled by white men in Cali- fornia. Father Junipero, a Jesuit priest, with a number of followers, landed there in May, 1768, and soon afterward founded the mis- sion of San Diego. SAND LACNCE. See EEL. SAND MARTIN. See SWALLOW. SAN DOMINGO. See SANTO DOMINGO. SANDOVAL, Prudencio de, a Spanish historian, born about 1560, died in Pamplona, March 17, 1621. He was a Benedictine monk, and was appointed by Philip III. historiographer of Spain, in 1608 bishop of Tuy, and in 1612 bishop of Pamplona. His principal works are : ffiatoria de la vida y hechos del empera- dor Cdrlos V. (2 vols., 1604-'6), of which there are abridgments in English by James Wads- worth (" The Civil Wars of Spain," fol., Lon- don, 1652) and Capt. John Stevens (" History of Charles V.," 1703) ; Historia de los reyes de Castillo, y de Leon (1615) ; and Las cronicas de los quatro oMspos, an edition of the works of four chroniclers of the 12th century. SANDPIPER, the common name of the trin- gince, an extensive subfamily of small wading birds of the snipe family. They have the bill as long as or longer than the head, slender, compressed on the sides, with the culmen slightly depressed and enlarged near the tip, and the greater portion covered with a soft, very sensitive skin ; the nostrils are basal, in a groove extending for two thirds of the bill ; the wings long and pointed, the tail moderate and nearly even, the tarsi usually long and slender, and the toes but slightly united at the base. In the typical genus tringa (Linn.) the first primary is longest, the tertiaries long, and the secondaries short ; the tarsus is covered in front with transverse scales, the hind toe very email, the anterior toes margined with mem- SANDRART 599 brane and free at the base. There are between 20 and 30 species, in all parts of the world, some widely diffused, and a few common to America and Europe; they are usually seen in flocks on the seashore or on the margin of lakes and rivers, and in marshes, probing the sand and mud with the bill in search of worms and minute crustaceans. They are gen- erally migratory. The colors of the spring and autumn plumage are different in most species, which has created some confusion in specific descriptions; both sexes are much alike in color, but the females are frequently the largest. Among the American species is the purple sandpiper (T. maritima, Brunn. ; arquatella, Baird), found on the shores of east- ern North America, and in winter in tropical North and South America, and also in the temperate parts of Europe ; gunners call it the rock snipe, from its frequenting rocky instead of sandy shores. The red-backed sandpiper Least Sandpiper, or Peep (Tringa Wilsonii). T. alpina, Linn. ; schceniclm, Mohr.) is very abundant on the Atlantic shores in sandy and muddy places; it is found also in temperate Europe, where it is called dunlin and purre ; Mr. Cassin thinks the American bird a distinct species, and gives it the name of Americana. The nest is a slight hollow in a dry place lined with grass ; the young leave the nest as soon as hatched, as do all the species. The least sandpiper, or peep (T. Wilsonii, Nutt.), is the smallest of the group in this country, being only 5 to 6 in. long ; it is abundant over the entire temperate regions of North America; it breeds in the far north, arriving in Massa- chusetts early in July. Its congener in Eu- rope is the T. minuta (Leisler). Among the European species of sandpipers, the ruff, the knot, and the sanderling have been noticed under these titles. SANDRART, Joachim yon, a German painter, born in Frankfort, May 12, 1606, died in Nu- remberg, Oct. 14, 1688. He was a pupil of