Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIV.djvu/706

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682 SCHOOL BROTHERS AND SCHOOL SISTERS at Bordeaux, France, in 1817, by Abbe" Guil- laume Joseph Cheminade, approved by Pope Gregory XVI. in 1839, introduced into the United States in 1849 by Archbishop Purcell of Cincinnati, and having in 1874 23 establish- ments in Ohio, Illinois, New York, Pennsyl- vania, Maryland, Louisiana, and Texas. 4. The " Lamennaisian Brothers " or " Congregation of Christian Instruction," founded in Brittany in 1820, by Abbe Jean de Lamennais, whose purpose is to teach in the poorest localities. In 1875 they reckoned about 800 members and 150 establishments in France. 5. The " Brothers of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary," founded in 1821 at Le Puy, France, by Abbe Coindrin. They opened their first house in the United States at Mobile in 1847, and in 1874 had other establishments in Mississippi, New Orleans, Kentucky, and Indiana. 6. The "Xaverian .Brothers," founded at Bruges, Bel- gium, in 1839, by Theodore Jacques Ryken, with a special view to labor for education in the United States. They were first introduced into Louisville in 1854 by Bishop (afterward Archbishop) Spalding, and in 1875 had charge of six schools there, of one in Baltimore, and of the St. Mary's industrial school for boys near that city. 7. The " Brothers of Charity," founded in 1809, in Belgium, by Canon P. Triest, for the education of the blind and deaf mutes, and the training of orphans. In Janu- ary, 1874, they took charge of the industrial school of the Angel Guardian in Boston, Mass. Besides these, there are in the United States and Canada congregations of men forming an integral portion of religious orders comprising priests. Such are the "Josephites" or "Broth- ers of St. Joseph," who are only a branch of the congregation of the Holy Cross, founded in 1834 at Le Mans, France, by Abb6 Mo- reau, the various communities of Franciscan brothers belonging to the third order of St. Francis, and dependent on the Franciscan priests, and the " Clerks of Saint Viateur." II. SCHOOL SISTERS. Of these congregations the most important are the following: 1. The Ursulines. (See URSULINES.) 2. The " Sis- ters of the Visitation of Our Lady," founded in 1610 at Annecy in Savoy, by St. Francis of Sales and St. Jeanne Francoise de Chan- tal. The order numbered 87 establishments at the death of the latter in 1641, and 160 in 1700, with 6,600 members. It was approved by Pope Urban VIII. in 1626. The first estab- lishment in the United States was made in Washington in 1808, and the order has now (1875) other monasteries and schools in Mary- land, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, New York, Delaware, and Minnesota. 3. The " Sis- ters of Notre Dame," or "School Sisters of the Blessed Peter Fourier," founded by him and Alice Leclero at Mataincourt, France, in 1597, abolished in 1789, revived at Ratisbon in 1832, confirmed by Pope Pius IX. in 1854, and first introduced into the United States in 1847. IB 1875 they had establishments in Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Kentucky, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Min- nesota. 4. The "Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur," founded at Amiens, France, in 1804, by Pcre Joseph Desire Varin, Julie Billiart, and Marie Louise Francoise Blin de Bourdon, and transferred to Namur, Belgium, in 1809. Its object is to educate girls of the middle classes, and it was approved June 28, 1844, by Pope Gregory XVI. It spread rapidly through Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Ireland. The English government intrusted to the order the direction of normal schools for Roman. Catholic pupil-teachers. They were called to Cincinnati in 1840 by Bishop (afterward Arch- bishop) Purcell, to Oregon by Archbishop Blan- chet in 1843, to California in 1851, and to Guatemala in 1859. In 1871 this sisterhood owned 82 establishments, of which 20 were in the United States, with a total of 26,000 pn- pils. 5. The " Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame," founded at Montreal, Canada, in 1653, by Marguerite Bourgeoys, and ap- proved by Bishop de Laval of Quebec, and now the most numerous teaching body in Canada. The mother house is at Montreal. At the close of 1874 the order numbered 569 professed sisters and 88 novices, with 56 es- tablishments in Canada and the United States. 6. " Ladies of the Sacred Heart." (See SACRED HEART, LADIES OF THE.) The preceding con- gregations have for their primary object the instruction of young girls. Others combine with the labor of teaching the care of orphan asylums, the visitation of the sick and poor, and the direction of hospitals. Such are: 1. The " Ladies of the Incarnate Word," founded in 1625 by Jeanne Marie Chezard de Matel, and approved by Urban VIII. in 1633. Their sole object at first was education; they as- sumed the direction of hospitals in 1866. They have many establishments in France, and eight in Texas. 2. The " Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ," founded Aug. 15, 1849, at Dernbach, Nassau, by Katharine Kaspar, approved by Pius IX. in 1860, and confirmed in 1870. Their first establishment in this country was at Fort Wayne, Ind., in August, 1868. They num- bered 45 sisters and five houses in 1875. 8. The "Sisters of Our Lady of Charity," or "Eudist Sisters," founded in 1641 at Caen in Normandy, by Abbe Jean Eudes. In 1885 a modification of the rule enabling them to take charge of penitent women was introduced at Angers, the establishment there becoming known as the "House of the Good Shepherd." The change was approved by Pope Gregory XVI., and the order thereafter was called the " Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd." They have numerous establish- ments in Europe, came to the United States in 1842, and have opened houses in the principal cities of the Union and in Canada. 4. The " Presentation Nuns," founded at Cork, Ire- land, in 1777, by Miss Nano Nagle, for the visitation of the sick and poor and the instruc-