Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIV.djvu/903

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CONTENTS OF VOLUME XIY. PAGE Prior, Matthew 5 Priscianus 5 Priscillian 6 Prism 6 Prisons and Prison Discipline 6 Prisrend IT Privas 17 Privateer 17 Privet 18 Privy Council. See Council. Prize 19 Prize Money 22 Probate 23 Proboscidians 24 Probus, Marcus Aurelius 24 Process 24 Proclus 25 Proconsul 26 Procopius 26 Procopias, Andrew, the Great 26 Procopius the Small 26 Procrustes 26 Procter, Bryan Waller 26 Procter, A delaide Anne 27 Proctor, Richard Anthony 27 Profert See Oyer. Prohibition 27 Projectiles. See Gunnery. Prokesch-Osten, Anton von, Baron. 27 Prome 28 Prometheus 28 Promissory Note 28 Prong Horn. See Antelope. Propaganda 28 Propagation of the Faith, Society for the 28 Propertius, Sextus Aurelius 29 Prophecy 29 Prophets, Books of the 80 Propontis. See Marmora, Sea of. Proserpine 80 Prosper, Saint 80 Prostate Gland 80 Protagoras 80 Protector 81 Proteids. See Proteine. Proteine 81 Protesilaus 81 Protest 81 Protestant 82 Proteus, a reptile 82 Proteus, in mythology 82 Protogenes 33 Protophytes. See Protozoa. Protoplasm 88 Protozoa 86 Protractor. 86 Proudhon, Jean Baptiste Victor 87 Proudhon, Pierre Joseph 87 Prout, Father. See Mahony, Francis. Prout, Samuel 83 Prout, William 88 Provencal Language and Literature Provence Proverbs Providence co Providence PAGE Providence, Sisters of. See Sister- hoods. Provincetown 45 Provoost, Samuel 45 Provost, Jean Baptiste Francois 46 Prudentius, Aurelius Clemens 46 Prud'hon, Pierre Paul 46 Prune. See Plum. Pi Prusa. See Brusa. Prussia Prussian Blue. See Potassium. Prussia Proper Prussic Acid. See Hydrocyanic Acid. Pruth Prynne, William Przemysl Psalmanazar, George Psalms, Book of Psaltery Psammenitus, King Psammetichus. See Egypt, vol. vi., p. 463. Pskov. . . . 4 Psyche Psychology. See Philosophy. Ptah Ptarmigan Pterichthys. See Ganoids. Pterodactyl Pteropods. See Mollusca. Ptolemais. See Acre. Ptolemy, Kings Ptolemy I Ptolemy II Ptolemy III Ptolemy, Claudius Puberty Publicola, Publius Valerius Publius Syrus Puccoon Puckler-Muskau. Hermann Ludwig Heinrich von, Prince Puddling. See Iron Manufacture, vol. ix., p. 400. Puebla Pueblo co Pueblo Indians Puerperal Convulsions Puerperal Fever Puerperal Mania Puerto Bello. See Porto Bello. Puerto Caballos. See Cortes. Puerto Cabello Puerto La Mar. See Cobija. Puerto Plata Puerto Principe, Santa Maria de Pufendorf, Samuel Puff Ball. See Lycoperdon. Puff Bird Puffin. See Auk. Pugatcheff. Yemelyan Puget, Pierre Puget Sound Pughe, William Owen Pugilism Pugin, Augustus (1C, PAOB Pupin, Augnstin Welby Northmore 77 Pugin, Edwin Welby ............. 77 PnM Abel de. See Abel de Pujol Pnlaski co., Va ................ ... 77 Pulaski co., Ga. ................... 77 Pulaski co., Ark .................. 78 Pulaski co., Ky ................... 78 Pulaski co., Ind ................. 78 Pulaski co., Ill .................... 78 Pulaski co., Mo ................... 78 Pulaski, Casimir, Count ........... 78 Pulci, Luigl ...................... 79 Pulkova. See Observatory. Pulley. See Mechanics, vol. xi., p. 827. Puimonaria. See Lungwort. Pulque ........................... 79 Pulsatilla. See Anemone. Pulse ............................ 79 Pulteney, William ................ 81 Pultock, Robert .................. 81 Pultowa. See Poltava. Puma. See Couguar. Pumice. See Obsidian and Pumice. Pump ............................ 81 Pumpelly, Raphael ................ 87 Pumpkin ......................... 87 Punch ........................... 88 Punctuation ...................... 88 Pnnjaub .......................... 89 Pun'ta Arenas ........ ............. 98 Pupa. See Butterfly, and Chrysalis. Purbach. Georg ................... 93 Purcell, Henry .................... 98 Purcell, John Baptist ............. 98 Purchas, Samuel .................. 94 Purgatory ........................ 94 Purgstall, Hammer. See llammer- Purgstall. Puritan .......................... 94 Purple ............................ 94 Purple of Cassius. See C'asaius, Purple of. Purpurates ....................... 95 Pursh, Frederick .................. 95 Purslane .......................... 9 Purus ............................ 9 Pusey. Edward Bouverie ......... 9 Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevitcb . . 9 Pustule, Malignant ................ 97 Pntlitz, Gustav Heinrich Gans zu.. 9 Putnam co., N. T ................. 99 Putnam co, W. Va ............... 9 Putnamco.,0a ............ ....... 9 Putnam co.. Fla ................. 9 Putnam co., Tenn ................ 9 Putnam co., Ohio ................. 9 Putnam co., Ind .................. H Putnam co.. Ill ................... l fl Putnam co.. Mo .................. I* 1 Putnam, Israel ................... 10 Putnam. Mary Lowell ............. I" Putnam, Rufus .................. 101 Putrefaction. See Fermentation, vol. vil., p. 144. Putty Puy.Le