Page:The American Cyclopædia (1879) Volume XIV.djvu/912

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CONTENTS PAGB Shamanism 838 Shamokin &O) Shamrock. Bee Oxalis. Shamyl 824 Shanghai 824 Shannon oo 826 Shannon, a river 626 Shanny 826 Sharja. 826 Shark 826 Sharon 860 Sharon Springs 880 Sharp, Granvtlle 880 Sharp, James S81 Sharp, John 881 Sharp, Thomas 881 Sharpe co 881 Shasuco 831 Shasta, Mount Seo Glacier, Rocky Mountains, and Siskiyou. Shastra. See Veda. Shat-el-Arab. See Euphrates. Shaw, Lemuel 882 Shawano co 882 Shawl 882 Shawneeco 882 8hawnes 882 Shays, Daniel 888 Shea, John D. OUmary 888 Shearwater Ml Sheathbill 884 Sheba 884 Sheboypan co 834 Bheboygan 886 Shechem 836 Shedd, William Oreenough Thayer. 886 Shee, Sir Martin Archer 686 Sheeahs. See Shiahs. Sheep 885 Sheep's Head L... 889 FAGK Sheerness : 840 Sheffield 840 Sheffield, John. See Buckingham, or Buckinghamshire, Duke of. Shefford co 841 Shell, Richard Lalor 841 Shekel 841 Shelburne co 841 Shelburne, William Petty, Earl of. See Lansdowne. Shelby co., Ala 841 Shelby co., Texas 841 Shelby co., Tenn 841 Shelby co., Ky 841 Shelby co., Ohio 842 Shelby co., Ind 842 Shelby co., Ill 842 Shelby co., Iowa 842 Shelby co.. Mo 842 Shelby, Isaac 842 Shelbyville 842 Sheldrake 849 Shell Lac. See Lac. Shelley, Percy Bysshe 848 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft God- win. * 846 Shelton, Frederick William 846 Shem 846 Shenandoah 645 Shcnandoah co 845 Shenstone, William 846 Shepard, Charles Upham 846 Sherbrooke CO 846 Sherbrooke 846 Sherburne co 846 Sheridan co., Kansas 846 Sheridan co., Dakota 846 Sheridan, Philip Henry 846 Sheridan, Thomas (two) 847 Sheridan, Frances. 647 PAGE Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 847 Sheriff. 848 Sherlock, William 850 Sherlock, Thomas 860 Sherman co., Nebraska 850 Sherman co., Kansas 850 Sherman 850 Sherman, Roger 850 Sherman, William Tecumseh 851 Sherman, John 852 Sherry. See Spain, Wines of. Sherwood, Mary Martha 862 Shetland Islands 862 Shew Bread 862 Shiahs 8?>8 Shlawassee co 868 Shield 858 Shields, North and South 864 Shlites. See Shiahs. Shtkarpoor 664 Shilling 864 Shlloh, Palestine 864 Shlloh, Tenn . 854 Shimonosekl 655 Shiner. Sec Dace. Shtoktng 655 Shinto. Seo Japan, vol. ix., pp. 587 and 662. Ship 856 Shlpp, Albert M 869 Shipping 868 Ship Worm 870 Shlraz 871 Shire. See County. Shire, a river 874 Shirloy, James 872 Shirwa 878 Bhoa 872 Shoddy 679 Sot.7. 678