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 78. Section of Rock-Shelter 248
 79. Finch's Rock-Shelter 248
 80. Iroquois Archæological Types 251
 81. Problematic Forms 252
 82. Archæological Types of the Mississippi-Ohio Area 252
 83. The Fluted Ax and the Spud 255
 84. Ancient Maya Cities 262
 85. Linguistic Stocks in the United States and Canada 282
 86. Linguistic Stocks in Mexico and Central America 284
 87. Linguistic Stocks in South America 288
 88. Consolidation of California Stocks 293
 89. North American Types 298
 90. Brazilian Types 299
 91. Patagonian Types 299
 92. The Cephalic Index 302
 93. Skulls from North and South America 304
 94. Types from Central Brazil 309
 95. Diagrammatic Representation of Average Bodily Forms 310
 96. Bodily Forms from Various Races 311
 97. Lines of Dispersal for the Primates 315
 98. Living and Extinct Groups of Primates 315
 99. Dispersal of Mankind 318
100. Somatic Areas 324
101. Superposition of Culture Areas 330
102. Distribution of Men's Societies among the Plains Indians 349
103. North American Indian Tribes 435
104. South American Indian Tribes 435