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Kroeber, A. L.

1900. I. Symbolism of the Arapaho Indians (Bulletin, American Museum of Natural History, vol. 13, article 7, New York, 1900).

1902. I. The Arapaho (Bulletin, American Museum of Natural History, vol. 18, part I, New York, 1902).

1904. I. Types of Indian Culture in California (University of California Publications in American Archæology and Ethnology, vol. 2, no. 3, Berkeley, 1904).

1905. I. Basket Designs of the Indians of Northwestern California (University of California Publications in American Archæology and Ethnology, vol. 2, no. 4, Berkeley, 1905).

1908. I. Ethnography of the Cahuilla Indians (University of California Publications in American Archæology and Ethnology, vol. 8, no. 2, Berkeley, 1908).

1908. II. Ethnology of the Gros Ventre (Anthropological Papers, American Museum of Natural History, vol. 1, part 4, New York, 1908).

1909. I. The Archæology of California (Putnam Anniversary Volume, New York, 1909).

1911. I. Phonetic Constituents of the Native Languages of California (University of California Publications in American Archæology and Ethnology, vol. 10, no. 1, Berkeley, 191 1).

1917. I. Zuñi Kin and Clan (Anthropological Papers, American Museum of Natural History, vol. 18, part 2, New York, 1917).

See also Dixon and Kroeber, 1903. I and 1913. 1; Boas, 1916. II.

La Flesche, Francis. See Fletcher, Alice C, and La Flesche, Francis.

Laufer, Berthold.

1907. I. The Introduction of Maize into Eastern Asia (Congres International des Americanistes, XVe Session, part 1, Quebec, 1907).

1912. I. Jade. A Study in Chinese Archæology and Religion (Publications, Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropological Series, vol. 10, Chicago, 1912).

1913. I. Plate Armor in America, a Sinological Contribution to an American Problem (American Anthropologist, N. S. vol. 15, pp. 96-97, Lancaster, 1913).

1914. I. Some Fundamental Ideas of Chinese Culture (The Journal of Race Development, vol. 5, no. 2, October, 1914).

1914. II. Chinese Clay Figures. Part 1. Prolegomena on the History of Defensive Armor (Publications, Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropological Series, vol. 13, no. 2, Chicago, 1914).

Lawson, John.