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Cereal complex, Old World, maize culture adapted to, 346
Ceremonial tablets, birchbark, 129
Ceremonialism, great development of, 180
Ceremonies, Amazon tribes, 239; dogs eaten during, 41; eagles and serpents confined for, 32; Eastern Woodland area, 221; Eskimo area, 216; Inca area, 232; Lacandones, 228; localization of, 338; marriage, 176; Maya, 181; Mexican, 182; Northern California, 213; patterns for, 344; Pueblo area, 225; rituals of Pueblo and North Pacific Coast, 198; tribal patterns for, 348
Ceremony, Atamalqualiztli, 182; masked, 182; new-fire, 182; typical New World, 192
Chacmool statue, 134, 136
Charms, 18
Chavin Stone, 105
Cheyenne, 67, 151, 198, 206, 296, 320; migrations of, 339
Chibcha, agricultural products of, 21; area, 149, 157, 181, 187, 190, 198, 200, 229-231, 264
Chichen Itza, 134, 271
Chilan Balam, Books of, 140
Children, care and training of, 177-179
Chile, archæological characterization of, 266-267
Chilkat, 56, 58, 60, 88-89, 214
Chimney, absence of, in aboriginal houses, 112
Chipping, process of, 116; unusual objects made by, 118
Chiriqui, 91, 230; pottery from, 75
Chronological, position of certain stone objects. Great Lakes area, 254; types of man, 323-326
Chronologies, determination of, 277-279; determined by stratification, 273-275; inferential, 276-279
Chronology, basis for solution of problems of similarity between Maya and Asiatic drawings, 360; of cultures, 270-279; established by stratification of pottery in Mexico, 274; established by stratification of pottery in New Mexico, 274; inapplicability of Old World, to the New World, 275-276; Maya, 271; Mexican, 272; of sculptures, 134; Southwestern, 81
Civilization, centers of, in the New World, 364
Clan, defined, 155; system, Arawak, 157-158
Clans, 154-158; and gentes, geographical distribution, 155-157; Iroquois 157, 163; Pueblo, 157
Classification of man, basis of, 298, 299; breadth of face, 299-300; flattening of the femur, 300-301; flattening of the tibia, 300; by hair, 298; by skin, 299
Classifications, correlation of, 327-341
Classificatory system of relationship, distribution of, 160
Clay, edible, 22; modeling in, 137
Cliff-dweller, house type distribution, 257; houses, basketry remains in, 54; houses, textiles from, 60; ruins, textiles from, 81
Cloud terrace, Pueblo symbol, 97, 98
Cloth, 55-61; bark, 130; clothing of, 63; cotton in manioc area, 60; Peruvian, 59-60
Clothing, 61-66; Amazon tribes, 239; California area, 212; Eastern Woodland area, 221; Eskimo, dependence on caribou for, 9; guanaco area, 234; Mackenzie area, 219; North Pacific Coast area, 214; Plains, 206; Plateau area, 210; Pueblo area, 225; skin, 46, 277; Southeastern area, 223; southwestern Déné, 218; tailored, diffusion of, 65; tailored, in the Old World, 63-65
Coca-chewing, 28-30; Chibcha area, 230
Codex, Mexican, resemblance to year counts, 129
Codices, 140; Maya, 129; Mexican and Maya, 137
Coil, method in making pottery, 69, 70; spiral, direction of, 54