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Eurasiatic, generalized type of man, distribution of, 313, 314
Evolution theory, not applicable to culture, 352-353
Exogamic groups, North Pacific Coast tribes, 214
Exogamous regulations, connected with dual divisions, 159
Exogamy, 155; coincident with classificatory system of relationship in North America, 160
Expansion, of mankind, extremes of,
Explanatory element, in mythology,
Eye, fold, Mongolian, in the New World, 299, 309; form of, New World man, 310; color, New World,
Eye Juggler, distribution of story, 196

Face, breadth of, New World, 299-300, 309, 310
Facial angle, New World, 309; most striking, Mongolian peoples, 299
Family group, has title to lands among Inca and Nahua, 173; importance of in communistic government, 149; importance of in government of Mexico, 150; independent of the band, 154
Fasting, to obtain spiritual manifestation, 192
Father-in-law taboo, 161
Fauna, influence of on culture traits,
Feather mosaics, Aztec, 229
Feather-work, 60, 61
Federations, of tribal groups, 151
Femur, flattening of, 300-301
Fertilization, artificial, range of, 27
Fiber, textile, classes of, 45; twisting, methods of, 46, 47; twisting, universal distribution of, 46, 56; twisting, without a spindle, Déné, 218
Fibers, bast, 45-46; distribution correlated with whorl distribution, 47; wool, 46
Fine arts, 134-148
Finger weaving, 56
Fire, invention of, 129; renewal of, associated with agriculture, 200; shamanistic handling of, 188-189; universal use of, 46
Firedrill, 50, 129
Firing, of pottery, methods of, 70, 7 1, 72
Fish, fertilizer for maize, 27; methods of taking, 19; nets, distribution of use, 50; taboo against in bison area, 11; taboo against among Pueblo tribes, 21
Fishing, absence of in the Plains, 206; appliances for, Eskimo and Indians, 10; in Peru, 22; sea, in salmon area, 15
Flageolets, 147
Flint workings, aboriginal, 123
Flora, influence on culture traits, 337
Floral, designs, 85-86, 87
Flutes, 147
"Flying goose" design, distribution of, 96
Folklore, in America, content of, 194
Food, Amazon tribes, 237; animals domesticated for, 39; areas, 7-31; areas, general lines of culture grouping laid down by, 337; California area, 212; dogs as, 39-41; Eastern Woodland area, 221; Eskimo area, 215; guanaco area, 233; lack of specialization in interior Amazon, 23; processes of preparation, 338; Northern California, 213; Northern Shoshonean tribes, 210-211; North Pacific Coast area, 213, 215; Plains area, 206; Plateau area, 209; Pueblo Indians, 224-225; Southeastern area, 223; Southwest area, 226; southwestern Déné group, 218; specialization in, a universal tendency, 7; specialization in, 338
Foods, Maya and Nahua, 21; wild, correlated with instability of residence, 15
Footgear, 64-66
Footrace, ceremonial, 183
Footwear, forms of, 65; guanaco area, 234
Forests, distribution of, in South America, 238