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with political and cultural unity, 332; reasons for individuality in the New World, 280; survives longer than other culture traits, 286
Spinning, 46-49; cotton, 49; methods and distribution, 47-49; with a spindle, 59; without a spindle, 58
Stamps, of pottery, for printing cloth,
State of Oaxaca, archæological characterization of, 261
Stock, language, determination of in the New World, 281; language, distribution in more than one culture area, 332, 333; linguistic, defined, 281
Stocks, linguistic, consolidation of, 369; similarities in California, 332; most widely distributed, 294; unity of, within culture areas, 333; United States and Canada, number of, 281
Stone, boiling, 54, 209, 213, 219; carving, 134, 259; implements, Mississippi-Ohio area, 252; implements, Great Lakes area, 254; implements, types of, Iroquoian area, 250, 251; implements, types of, North Atlantic area, 247, 248; implements, South Atlantic area, 249; implements, Plains area, 254, 255; objects, problematical, 121; objects, total distribution of, 122; quarrying, 123; vessels, Plains area, 256; work in, 115-123; work in, Aztec area, 229; work in, Eastern Woodland area, 223; work, periods of, in Europe, 115
Stone-Boy, story of, 197
Stratification, chronologies determined by, 273-275; of cultures, Iroquois area, 331; of pottery remains, 273-274; in rock-shelters, North Atlantic area, 248
Stringed instruments, absence in the New World before discovery, 147
Sun, ceremony, in Peru, 182; dance, 184, 201, 208; offerings to, 191; in religious system of Peru, 180
Sweat house, distribution of use, 200
Sword-swallowing trick, distribution,
Symbolism, 95-98; in mythology and ritualism, 180; Pueblo pottery designs, 81; strong development in the Southwest area, 98
Synthetic work, importance in development of anthropology, 327
Tablets, bark, containing midé ritual, 184
Taboo, against fish, bison area, 11; against fish, Pueblo tribes, 21; mother-in-law, distribution, 161-162
Tatting, found in cotton-using area, 50
Teeth, size of, 309
Tempering materials, for pottery, 71
Temple of the Cross, cross-section of, 101
Terraces, use of, in Peru, 103
Test theme, in mythology, 195
Textile, art, importance of at time of Spanish conquest, 59; arts, 45-66; designs, 76-79; development, eastern maize area, 60; development, Gulf States, 89