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with political and cultural unity, 332; reasons for individuality in the New World, 280; survives longer than other culture traits, 286
Spindle, 48, 58; European, 49
Spindle whorl, distribution of, 47, 127; pottery, 265
Spinning, 46-49; cotton, 49; methods and distribution, 47-49; with a spindle, 59; without a spindle, 58
Splint basketry, 54-55
Stamps, of pottery, for printing cloth,
State of Oaxaca, archæological characterization of, 261
Stature, geographic grouping of, 321; of tribal groups, according to culture areas, 320
Steatite, work in, 121-122
Stelse, 105; dated, 261
Stock, language, determination of in the New World, 281; language, distribution in more than one culture area, 332, 333; linguistic, defined, 281
Stocks, linguistic, consolidation of, 369; similarities in California, 332; most widely distributed, 294; unity of, within culture areas, 333; United States and Canada, number of, 281
Stone age culture, Maya, 228; in the New World, 115, 118
Stone, boiling, 54, 209, 213, 219; carving, 134, 259; implements, Mississippi-Ohio area, 252; implements, Great Lakes area, 254; implements, types of, Iroquoian area, 250, 251; implements, types of, North Atlantic area, 247, 248; implements, South Atlantic area, 249; implements, Plains area, 254, 255; objects, problematical, 121; objects, total distribution of, 122; quarrying, 123; vessels, Plains area, 256; work in, 115-123; work in, Aztec area, 229; work in, Eastern Woodland area, 223; work, periods of, in Europe, 115
Stone-Boy, story of, 197
Stratification, chronologies determined by, 273-275; of cultures, Iroquois area, 331; of pottery remains, 273-274; in rock-shelters, North Atlantic area, 248
Stringed instruments, absence in the New World before discovery, 147
Sun, ceremony, in Peru, 182; dance, 184, 201, 208; offerings to, 191; in religious system of Peru, 180
Supernatural guardians, 185-187
Sweat house, distribution of use, 200
Sword-swallowing trick, distribution,
Symbolism, 95-98; in mythology and ritualism, 180; Pueblo pottery designs, 81; strong development in the Southwest area, 98
Symbols, true, in New World art, 97,98
Synthetic work, importance in development of anthropology, 327
System of relationship, 159; classificatory, 160

Tablets, bark, containing midé ritual, 184
Taboo, against fish, bison area, 11; against fish, Pueblo tribes, 21; mother-in-law, distribution, 161-162
Taboos, 161-162; Eskimo area, 20, 216; against women in ceremonies, 182
Tales, distribution in North America, 196; Old World, found in America, 196; types of, 194
Tatting, found in cotton-using area, 50
Teeth, size of, 309
Technique, limitation in bead and quill work, 82; weaving, limitation to design, 77, 79
Techniques, in basketry, 52, 79-80; coil and twine, concentric distribution of, 54
Tempering materials, for pottery, 71
Temple of the Cross, cross-section of, 101
Temples, to the sun, lower Mississippi, 183, 223
Terraces, use of, in Peru, 103
Test theme, in mythology, 195
Textile, art, importance of at time of Spanish conquest, 59; arts, 45-66; designs, 76-79; development, eastern maize area, 60; development, Gulf States, 89