Page:The American Library Annual 1913.djvu/17

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Minneapolis, Minn.

1 killed, 1 hurt, moving a safe. Ag 24

Fire engine hits car, 3 hurt. D 8

Missoula, Mont.

Mummified body, probably E. Kost, found hanging in tree in hills after year. Je 21

Morristown, N. J.

Fence breaks under fireworks watchers; 20 hurt. O 12

Mount Vernon, N. Y.

Man comes in contact with live wire. Alive after receiving 11,000 volts. My 5

Muskogee, Okla.

Man brings his severed hand to doctor's office. Reported. 6

Child 3, left alone over night, killed by rats. D 4

New Brighton, Pa.

Dog upsets lamp; 3 children dead, parents hurt. Ag 18

New Orleans, La.

Opera singer badly wounded by sword thrust on stage. Je 27

New York City.

423 killed in vehicular accidents in streets in 1911. Reported Ja 3

Manholes blow up, injuring 50. Ja 22

Boy's head cut off by elevator in Ansonia Hotel. Ja 27

National Highways Protective Soc. repts. great increase of fatal accidents. Ap 1

Portion of Speedway caves in at Harlem River. Ap 4

Boy falls into sewer and is carried out into East River. Ap 5

Thornton Harrison, 14, accidentally shoots girl. Ap 5

Stone, weighing 1000 pounds, falls from Fifth Avenue building, killing 2. Ap 8

Laborer in water supply shaft drops 500 feet; is killed. Ap 19

Man's foot and leg crushed in elevator, dies. Ap 23

Battalion Chief Rush killed in collision. Ap 25

Ton of iron falls in Brooklyn subway excavation; 1 killed, 3 injured. Ap 28

Carlton Garretson, editor of Judge and Leslie's Weekly, thrown from horse and seriously injured. My 10

Jos. Sedwitz killed by elevator. Police reserves called to quell riot. My 15

50-pound mass of terra cotta falls from roof of McAlpin Hotel through roof of trolley car; 1 killed, 5 injured. My 17

Hyman Shlutsky seriously injured by explosion of seltzer syphon. My 18

Young man killed by "wooden donkey" at Coney Island. My 19

Battalion Chief J: G. Shannon hurt on way to fire. My 20

Platform collapses at consecration of St. Clement's (R. C.) Church; 15 injured. My 26

Girl falls unhurt from 5th story. My 29

Coney Island. Five persons injured by fall of 20 feet from "airship" when twirler breaks. My 26

Child falls from 3d floor, unhurt. Je 6

3-yr.-old girl run over in saving brother; dies. Je 7

Woman shot while packing. Je 29

Bullet goes through mad dog, hits man. Jl 5

Brooklyn boy hanged in swing rope. Jl 13

Man sucked into roof drain, drowns. Jl 21

Office girl suffocated in chemical explosion. Jl 25

Platform breaks in aqueduct shaft; 6 hurt. Ag 8

New-born baby on pillow blown out of third-story window; unhurt. Ag 18

Stage dancer breaks rib; finishes performance. Reported. Ag 14

Boy run over and killed by truck; sister defends driver from crowd. Ag 21

Prisoner jumps from Police Headquarters' window; hits and breaks leg of boy. S 20

Boy, 6, loses foot saving twin from car, Brooklyn. S 25

G: S. Van Pelt shoots wife, thinking her burglar. ) 10

Iron girder goes through 8 concrete floors; 8 hurt. O 18

Sidewalk caves in; 4 hurt. O 21

2 boys killed in cave-in of "bandit" cave, East New York. O 29

Child and aunt shot by same bullet. N 5

1 killed, 20 hurt, in sewer trench cave-in, Brooklyn. N 12

Elevator doors break girl's neck, Brooklyn. N 18

Delirious man jumps from hospital window, impaled on iron picket; dies. N 20

Dog that once saved family from fire smothers baby by lying on chest, Brooklyn. N 21

Boy, "burned at stake" in play, may die. N 28

Laborer smothered under sand in Broadway excavation, N. Y. D 6

Umbrella rib thrown by playmate pierces boy's brain. N 25

Boy dies. D8

2 children asphyxiated in bed. D 13

2 old sisters asphyxiated in bed. D 14

Woman faints, falls from window, killed, D 18

3 in family asphyxiated, Brooklyn. D 22

See also Cochran, D: H.; Iselin, Mrs. C. O. D.

Newark, O.

Man electrocuted by turning on light, standing on wet floor. S 10

Newkirk, Okla.

H. Nesbit, 70 years old, killed by hailstone. My 28

Newport News, Va.

Child upsets hot tea, baby brother scalded to death. D4

Niagara Falls, N. Y.

Niagara ice bridge out; 3 drown. F 4

Human chain saves man who had fallen from path. My 19