Page:The American Magazine volume LXIII.djvu/810

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"No Spring Medicine"

In the Spring many persons still believe they must take some kind of " blood medicine " to relieve the system of impurities accumulated during the winter.

This is a time-honored error that has no foundation in science.

A change of food is what's needed.

Try leaving off heavy winter foods, meats, rich gravies and puddings, and live principally on


with Good Cream, some Cooked Fruit,

Toast and an occasional Soft Egg.

A two weeks' trial of the above dietary will show how easily you can have a cleat brain and elastic step, while your old-fashioned neighbor plods along, half asleep, taking " blood medicine " for the " Spring Fever." You'll realize

"There's a Reason" for


Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich.