Page:The American Novel - Carl Van Doren.djvu/304

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Jungle, The, 265

Kaloolah, 67

Kate Bonnet, 249, 250

Katherine Lauderdale, 243

Katherine Walton, 62, 63

Kathrina, 122

Kavanagh, 77

Kennedy, John Pendleton, 51, 53, 59-60

Kenton, Boyne, 152

Kenton, Ellen, 152

Kenton, Judge, 152, 153

Kentons, The, 151, 152, 153

Kenyon (Marble Faun), 103, 104

Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin, A, 119

Khaled, 242, 245

Kidnapped, 247

King, Charles, 226

King Philip's War, 20, 37

Kingsley, Charles, 118

Kinsmen, The. See Scout, The

Kipling, 257, 260, 261

Kirkland, Caroline, 59

Kirkland, Joseph, 231, 257

Knickerbocker History, 228

Knickerbocker writers, 162

Lady of the Aroostook, The, 137

Lady or the Tiger? The, 234

Lafayette, 32

Lafitte, 110

Lamplighter, The, 114

Lancelot, 219

Landlord at Lion's Head, The, 151

Langdon, Olivia, 165

Lanier, Sidney, 222, 224

Lanman, Charles R., 238

Lapham, Silas, 141, 142

Last Leaf, The, 68

Last of the Foresters, The, 111

Last of the Mohicans, The, 33-34, 35, 36, 42, 62

Last of the Valerii, The, 192

Late Mrs. Null, The, 236

Lawton, Captain, 29

Lazarre, 248, 250

Leather-Stocking. See Bumppo, Natty

Leather Stocking and Silk, 111

Leather-Stocking Tales, 44-47, 254

Leatherwood God, The, 151, 152

Lecks, Mrs., 234, 235

Ledger (New York), 110

Legree, Simon, 118

Lena Rivers, 114

Leonardo da Vinci, 185, 239

Le Sage, 2

Lesson of the Master, The, 207

Letter to his Countrymen, A, 39

Lewis, Alfred Henry, 265

Lewis, Sinclair, 271

Lewis and Clark, 21

Life (Tolstoy), 145

Life of Franklin Pierce, 94

Life on the Mississippi, 160, 167, 174, 230

Light, Christina, 194, 203

Limbert, Ralph, 207

Lincoln, 132, 134, 136, 249, 256

Linwoods, The, 17

Lionel Lincoln, 32

Literary Friends and Acquaintance, 134, 151

Little Lord Fauntleroy, 225

Littlepage, Corny, 48

Littlepage Manuscripts, 47

Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, The, 248, 250

Little Women, 129

Local color, 81, 126-27, 129, 130, 139, 145, 222, 223, 227, 231, 242, 247, 257, 260

Locke, David Ross, 158, 159

Locke, John, 20

Locke Amsden, 57

Lockhart, J. G., 49

London, Jack, 266-270

Longdon, Mr., 212

Longfellow, 67, 77, 79, 84, 106, 133, 186

Looking Backward 2000–1887, 221, 232

Loti, Pierre, 70

Louisiana Purchase, 21, 228

Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac, The, 237