Page:The American Novel - Carl Van Doren.djvu/311

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Westward Ho! 58

Westways, 255

Wharton, Edith, 265, 270

What Is Man? 181

What Maisie Knew, 210, 211

When Knighthood Was in Flower, 248, 249

Whistler, 162

White, Stewart Edward, 265

White, William Allen, 265

White Fang, 268

White Jacket, 69

Whitlock, Brand, 144, 265

Whitman, Elizabeth, 7, 8

Whitman, Walt, 162, 163, 218

Whittier, 12, 77

Wide Wide World, The, 114, 115, 118

Wieland, 13-15

Wieland, Theodore, 14

Wife, The, 116

Wilde, Oscar, 176, 242

Wilderness and the Warpath, The, 59

Wilkins, Mary E. See Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins

Wilks, Peter, 173

Williams, Rev. John, 20

Wilson, Augusta Jane Evans, 114

Wilson, Pudd'nhead, 179, 180

Wing-and-Wing, The, 41

Wings of the Dove, The, 212, 214-16

Winterbourne, Frederick Forsyth, 199

Winthrop, Theodore, 113-114

Wirt, William, 17

Wister, Owen, 248

Witch of Prague, The, 242

Without a Home, 122

With the Immortals, 239

Wolf, The, 261

Woman's Reason, A, 139

Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys, A, 94

Woodcraft, 63

Wood, George, 239

Woodworth, Samuel, 23

Woolson, Constance Fenimore, 126, 221, 231

World War, The, 189, 216-17, 256

Wyandotté, 40, 41, 42

Wynne, Hugh, 253

Yale, 24, 113

Years of My Youth, 133, 151

Yellow Book, The, 207

Yellow fever, 11-12

Yemassee, The, 61, 62, 65, 66

Yemassee War, The, 20, 62

Young Goodman Brown, 82, 85, 95

Youth of Jefferson, The, 111

Yvernelle, 261

Zenobia, 67

Zenobia Fauntleroy, 98, 100, 104, 107

Zola, 191, 225, 258, 959, 260, 263

Zoroaster, 239

Zury, 231