\. ATiiaicuJi Revolution^ 105
The Ariisrican officers conclude to evacuate I^ew* Tork—'Tbe battle at the Whiie^Plains—Fort Wash:ngton taken,
IN OW thehofl encamped In the chief city* of the province; and the chief men of the hofi: confuhed together; and the council decreed, That if peradventure the army of the king of Britain, fliould come againft the city, that the hod of the people of the provinces fhould depart thence, to another place.
2. Neverthelefs, they (Irengthened them- felves in the town; and cad up places of de- fence, that they might annoy the army of the king of Britain from thence.
3. Nov^^ the city was built upon an ifland, and tv/elve thoufand men encamped on the North of the iHand, and four thoufand re- mained in the city, and the refidue of the hod occupied thg interm.ediate fpace.
- Nc>Y Yo.k.