Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/113

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American Revolution* 107

of the men of Britain who came out, was LeJIie; and the names of the captains of the people who had offered themfelves, were Knowlton and Leitch*

8. And the men behaved themfelves vali- antly, and drove the enemy from the field of battle : notwithftanding, KnowltGn^ the cap- tain, was flain, and the other captain was wounded; and the men gat great honor, and their tranfgrefTions were blotted out forever, from the remembrance of the chief captain.

9. Now when the army of Britain had got- ten into the city, and had taken pofTelTion thereof; it came to pafs, after a few days, that a fire was kindled in the city, which burned with great violence : and the number of the houfes that were confumed by the fire, ' was about one thoufand.

10. And it was fo, that after the hoft of the people of the provinces had departed out of the city; they journeyed forwards, and