Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/13

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Chap. XXVIII. page 174. The Ileffi- ans retreat through the Jerfeys, and plunder '\ the mhabitants.

Chap. XllH. page lyg. The Ameri- can armies go into winter quarters — Sir Guy Carlton is fucceeded by General Burgoyne— The Militia, under General Herkimer, fall into an ambufcade of Indians and Tories, led by John Johnfon and St. Leger, ^^'ho were upon an expedition againft Fort Schuyler.

Chap, XXX. page 186. St. Leger at- tempts to terrify the Garrifon in Fort Schuyler (formeriy^tanwix) isunfucceisful-— Col. Wil- iet and Lieutenant Stockwel undertake to go to the camp at Still- Water — General Schuyler fends a detachment under Arnold — The In- dians retreat with precipitation (occafioned by a ftratagem of Arnold) and the Britiih follow their example.

Chap. XXXI. page 192. General Bur- goyne advances, fends a detacjiment to fieze the {lores at. Bennington; they are repulfed with vigor, and a great part of the detach- ment cut off.

'Chap. XXXII. page 199. The Britifh army encamp on the heights and plains of Saratoga; and the American army at the Still- Water — a fmart engagement enfues, wherein