Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/130

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•tji^ American Rcvoluiion^

pen of the fcrlbe record their cruel a£ts, left the tears of the violated virgin fhould be mul- tiplied when fhe remembers the day of her humiliation!

11. Now in this time of deep diftrefs, when the hofi: of the king of Britain appeared ready to overrun the v/holc land, the great Sanhe- drim of the people cxpoftulated with their brethren.

12. And Thomas ^^ one of the princes of the provinces, and a citizen of no mean city,! flrengthened the feeble knees of the warriors; he fpake to them in the language of love, and the moving of his lips raifed their fpirits.

.X3. Now Thomas v^as beloved of the peo- ple; the words of his mouth were as fliow- crs of rain on the parched ground in the midfl of fummer; they were refreflied; they were animated; they fliouted for the battle.

14. And there was a town J in the province of Jerfey, on the borders of the river, and it

^ General M.(Filn. f Philadelphia. \ Trenton.