Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/134

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l*£3 American Revolution*


The Expedition at Trinceton -^The Americans recover great part of the Jerfeys.

Jl\ N D the two armies encamped nigh unto each other, and the brook was between them. And the hoft of the men of Britain, when they had kindled their fires, fet a watch, and betook themfelves to reft.

2. But George^ chief captain of the hoft of the people of the provinces, fuffered not his eyes to fleep; and he gathered the captains of the hoft together j

3. And he communed with them on this wife, and faid, Know ye not that the rear guard of the hoft of Britain lieth encamped at Princeton? let us therefore depart while it is yet night, that we come upon them while iheir eyes are yet heavy with fleep.

4. Furthermore, he fpake and faid^ Let every man of the hoft be ready with bis wea-*