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138 American Revolution*
or, are more grateful to thine ear/ than the mufic of the fliepherds, or the fongs of the enraptured feraph!
Governor Tryon's Expedition to D anbury — Df- /iroys the American Jiores — His party attacked by Arnold, Woojler and Silliman — General Woojler Jlahu
-lN OW when the winter was far fpent, and the feafon of the year advanced when armies go forth to battle, WiUiain, the chief captain ofthehofl of Britain, fcnt a certain captain,* with five hundred men, to deftroy fome fiores that were at a certain place called Peek's Hill.
2. i\nd there were fome of the people of the provinces on the hill to guard the (lores; md when they faw the men of Britain coming
- Col. Bird.