Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/15

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of the United States; and Dr. Franklin, Si. las Deane, and Arthur Lee, Eiqrs. are treat- ed with, as Conimiiiioners. Lord North's conciliatory bill pades both houfes of Parlia- ment; is fent to America, and rejeded by Congrefs.

Chap, XXXVIIL page 234. The French equip a fleet, for the purpoie of blocking up the Englidi in the Delaware. Sir Henry Clinton, being timely informed of their inten- tions, efcapes to New York : the land-forces marches through the Jerfeys. Battle of Mon- mouth.

Chap, XXXIX. page 244. The French fleet arrive at the Delaware, and purfue the Britiih ileiL, Their defiga fruftrated — difa- bled by a fcorm— rendezvous at Boiton. Ac- tion on Rhode Illand. -

Chap. XL. page 247. Major General Grey, with a party of the BritiOi, furprife and put to dQ?xh with their bayonets, nearly a whole regiment of Arnerican dragoons, commanded by Col. Baylor, at Old Tapaan.

Chap, XLL page 250. The Britifn for- ces are fuccefsful under General Prevofl, and Col. Campbell, and ellablilh themfelves in Savannah.

Chap. XLIL page 253. General Wayne's