Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/171

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American Revolution, l6g

Britain, and JVilliam, chief captaia of the hod of the king, caft in their minds how they fnould gain the flrong hold that was on the ifland.

6. And they toiled hard for many days, and they (hot into the hold, and the dellroying engines beat down the buildings that were on the iiland; and the men v/ho were therein were fore galled by the men of Britain and the deitroying engines. Neverthelefs, the garrifon maintained their integrity.

7. And after many days watching, and fore conflicts, both from the water and alfo front the land, and when many valiant men were flain, the chief captain of the navy of the king of Britain, was told there was a w^ay round the hinder part of the ifland where a ihip might pafs, fo as to come nigh unto the hold.

8. And when the chief captain heardthere- of, he lightened a fhip, fo that fhe ikould not draw much depth of water j and valiant men